Stata resources

My Stata modules have been downloaded more than 150,000 times from the Statistical Software Components (SSC) archive since my first module (clogithet) was published in 2006. The mixlogit and mixlogitwtp modules were recently featured in a paper on the foundations of stated preference elicitation by Moshe Ben-Akiva, Daniel McFadden and Kenneth Train.

Below you can find more information about the modules as well as slides from my Stata Users Group talks.

Stata presentation slides:

Slides from my 2016 Nordic Stata Users Group talk on designing choice experiments in Stata

Slides from my 2013 UK Stata Users Group talk on mixed logit modelling in Stata

Stata modules:

DCREATE: module to create efficient designs for discrete choice experiments. The module can be downloaded from within Stata by typing "ssc install dcreate".

MIXLOGITWTP: module to estimate mixed logit models in willingness to pay space. The module can be downloaded from within Stata by typing "ssc install mixlogitwtp".

EAALOGIT: module to estimate endogenous attribute attendance models (Hole, 2011). The module can be downloaded from within Stata by typing "ssc install eaalogit".

GMNL: module to estimate generalized multinomial logit models. The module, including an example dataset, can be downloaded from within Stata by typing "findit gmnl" and following the instructions. The GMNL module was developed in collaboration with Yuanyuan Gu and Stephanie Knox.

MIXLOGIT: module to estimate mixed logit models for cross sectional and panel data. The module, including example datasets, can be downloaded from within Stata by typing "ssc describe mixlogit" and following the instructions.

WTP: module to estimate confidence intervals for willingness to pay measures. The module can be downloaded from within Stata by typing "ssc install wtp".

CLOGITHET: module to estimate heteroscedastic conditional logit models. The module can be downloaded from within Stata by typing "ssc install clogithet".Â