Departmental Safety Officer
Stephen Franklin
- Manage the Health and Safety of EEE
(including all the inductions of new appointees)
- Report to the Health and Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Chair of Departmental Safety Committee
Prof. Chee Hing Tan
- To oversee regular Health & Safety Committee meetings
Secretary to Departmental Safety Committee
Ian Parmenter
- Maintain a systematic schedule of up-coming Health & Safety Committee meetings (at least 12 months in advance)
- Ensure that the agenda is sufficient to cover all areas of Health & Safety
- Co-ordinate & compile reports from all those with a Health & Safety responsibility in EEE and circulate prior to meetings
- Arrange for final minutes to be distributed to Safety Services and arrange for documents to be put on the Departmental website
COSHH Administrators
Steve Mason
Stephen Franklin
Luke Marsden
- Ensure that Staff/Postgraduate students are aware that COSHH assessments must be in place before any experimental working involving chemicals is performed.
- COSHH assessments to be approved by a competent person via Departmental Safety Officer
- Develop a database of COSHH Assessments
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Cryogenic Gases/Liquids
Richard Frith
- Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation of Cryogenic Gases/Liquids
- Be custodian and responsible for the up-keep of a Departmental inventory of cryogenic gases/liquids
- Principal point of contact and ultimate Departmental sign-off of any new cryogenic installations in the Department
- Ensure that appropriate training is arranged for staff involved &
maintain a training register
- Ensure that appropriate generic COSHH and Risk Assessments are in place
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Disability Liaison Officer
Neil Powell
Luke Marsden
- Liaise with Student Disability Services to provide support to registered students
- Liaise with Academic Supervisors to provide appropriate support
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Display Screen Equipment Assessor
Stephen Franklin
Fahmi Mohammad
Callum Hawley
Steve Marsden
- Maintain up to date knowledge of Display Screen Equipment legislation and guidance
- Ensure that staff/PG's are aware of their responsibility to undertake on-line Display Screen Equipment Training
- Once staff have returned their training certificates, act on issues highlighted during the training
- Monitor & Maintain training records
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Electricity at Work
Andy Race
Ian Wraith
- Maintain up to date knowledge of Electricity at Work legislation and guidance
- Ensure all in house constructed equipment complies with guidance
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
First Aid Box maintenance
Stephen Franklin
- Maintain up to date knowledge of First Aid box content and guidance provided by the University
- Check and maintain box contents (including eye wash) on a monthly basis
- Order and replace stock as required
Paul Haines
- Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation on gas use
- Be custodian and responsible for the up-keep of a Departmental inventory of gases
- Principal point of contact and ultimate Departmental sign-off of any new gas installations in the Department
- Arrange an undertake a rolling inspection of gas installations and report to Health & Safety Committee (timescale to be agreed with Departmental Safety Officer)
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Laboratory Safety Inspection Visits
Stephen Franklin
- Maintain a systematic schedule of upcoming safety inspections (at least 12 months in advance)
- Coordinate pool of assessors to ensure visits
- Take the lead on writing and submitting reports to Health & Safety Committee
- Liaise with SCS to ensure correct reports are listed as agenda items
- Report back to Health & Safety Committee on outcomes of recommendations made
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Office Safety Inspection Visits
Stephen Franklin
- Set up a program of office inspections (annually)
- Develop a suitable checklist to include general environment, Display Screen Equipment, Welfare facilities, Portable Appliance Testing, general housekeeping etc
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Laser Safety Officer
Rick Smith
- Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation on laser use
- Be custodian and responsible for the up-keep of a Departmental inventory of lasers
- Advise and sign off of new laser installations
- Arrange and undertake a rolling inspection of laser installations and report to Health & Safety Committee (periodicity to be agreed with Departmental Safety Officer)
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Lifting Equipment
Jon Wall
- Maintain up to date knowledge of LOLER legislation
- Be custodian and responsible for the up-keep of a Departmental inventory of lifting equipment
- Arrange inspection with Allianz and report findings back to Health & Safety Committee (periodicity to be agreed with Departmental Safety Officer)
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Manual Handling
Stephen Franklin
- Arrange training for any staff involved in manual handling events greater than 5Kg
- Departmental Safety Officer to ensure that Staff comply with on-line Manual Handling Training required by the department
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Personal Protective Equipment
Stephen Dorward
- Undertake regular spot check inspections of Personal Protective Equipment
- Remove from use any inappropriate or damaged Personal Protective Equipment
- Personal Protective Equipment to be made available to all users in all locations as highlighted in the Risk Assessments
- Set an annual budget for Personal Protective Equipment in time for annual planning cycle
- Ensure signage for Personal Protective Equipment is consistent across Department
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Pressure Systems
Paul Haines
- Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation on pressure systems
- Be custodian and responsible for the up-keep of a Departmental inventory of pressure
- Principal point of contact and ultimate Departmental sign-off of any new pressure installations in the Department
- Arrange and undertake a rolling inspection of pressure installations and report to Health & Safety Committee (periodicity to be agreed with Departmental Safety Officer)
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Radiation Protection Supervisor
Alan Tennant
- Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation & guidance
- Principal point of contact and ultimate Departmental sign-off of any radiation installations in the Department
- Ensure that appropriate training is arranged for staff involved &
maintain a training register
- Ensure that appropriate generic COSHH and Risk Assessments are in place
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Risk Assessment
Stephen Franklin
- Ensure that employees/supervisors are aware of their legal obligations regarding completion of suitable Risk Assessments
- Carry out spot check to ensure that Risk Assessments are "suitable and sufficient" and precautions are reasonable, and remaining risks are low
- Develop a central repository for all Departmental Risk Assessments to be stored electronically until the new on-line system is made live in September 2014
Safety Reps
Andy Race (EMD)
Paul Haines (SMD)
Steve Marsden (Comms)
Ian Wraith (Electronics Workshop)
Adam Stroughair (Nanosciences Building)
- Safety Rep to be responsible for their areas and act as a principal point of contact
- To liaise with Laboratory Safety Inspection Visit co-ordinator on scheduled safety inspections
- To ensure that any remedial actions from the inspections are implemented within the given timescale, and confirmed with Laboratory Safety Inspection Visits co-ordinator
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Student reps
UG/MSc/PG Reports via Student-Staff committee
- To report issues regarding Health & Safety to Departmental Health & Safety Committee in writing (if non urgent)
- Urgent issues to be reported immediately to Departmental Safety Officer or to the Chair/Secretary of Safety Committee
- Report non urgent issues via Student/Staff Committee
Work Equipment Regulations
Steve Mason
Stephen Franklin
- Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation on Work Equipment
- Principal points of contact in the Department
- Ensure that appropriate training is arranged for staff involved &
maintain a training register
- Ensure that appropriate COSHH and Risk Assessments are in place
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Work Place Health, Safety and Welfare
Steve Mason
Stephen Franklin
- Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation on Work Place Health, Safety and Welfare
- Principal points of contact in the Department
- Ensure that any new accommodation complies with regulations
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
X-ray Radiation Safety Supervisor
Mark Hopkinson
- Maintain up to date knowledge of legislation on X-ray Radiation
- Principal point of contact and ultimate Departmental sign-off of any X-Ray installations in the Department
- Ensure that appropriate training is arranged for staff involved &
maintain a training register
- Ensure that appropriate COSHH and Risk Assessments are in place
- Report to Health & Safety Committee (standing item on agenda)
Fork Truck Supervisor
Paul Haines
- Ensure expert Lift Truck maintenance/servicing and pre use check routines are established and records kept.
- Routine statutory lifting equipment inspections by Allianz to be carried out and records kept.
- Department specific risk assessment for Lift Truck operations to be completed.
- Operators to be authorised in writing for the specific type of Lift Truck used and type of work for which the operator is viewed competent.
- Authorisations to be for a specified period (3 years).
Work at Height
Jon Wall
- Maintain an up to date register of ladders
- Undertake periodic inspections of all ladders and keep a record of inspections
- Take out of commission, with a view to disposal, of any ladder equipment which is not deemed fit for purpose (either as a result of periodic inspections or ad-hoc inspection)
- To maintain a reasonable working knowledge of HSE guidelines and legislation as set out at:
- Attend the Departmental Health and Safety Committee
- Prepare a report for each Departmental Health and Safety Committee report
- Take the lead on addressing Working at Height issues raised by H&S Audits or Departmental inspections
- Identify any budget requirements in connection with working at height
- Attend relevant training courses as requested by the Head of Department
- Bring to the attention of the Departmental Safety Officer and the Head of Department any concerns over actions or culture in relation to working at height.