Project outputs
This research project is ongoing. Please check back again soon for more peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters, reports, and blog posts.
Harder to Reach Project - Outputs, News, Activities
- Hurley P, Lyon J, Hall J, Little R, Tsouvalis J, White V and Rose D (2022) Co-designing the environmental land management scheme in England: The why, who and how of engaging ‘harder to reach’ stakeholders. People and Nature 4(1)
- White, Veronica; Hurley, Paul; Hall, Jilly; Lyon, Jessica; Tsouvalis, Judith; Rose, David Christian; Little, Ruth. 2021: Engaging ‘harder to reach’ farmers: the roles and needs of skilled intermediaries. Research Summary. Universities of Sheffield and Reading.
- Lyon, Jessica; Hurley, Paul; Hall, Jilly; Tsouvalis, Judith; Rose, David Christian; Little, Ruth. 2020: Inclusive design of post-Brexit Agri-Environmental Policy: Identifying and engaging the 'Harder to Reach' stakeholders. A Quick Scoping Review. The Universities of Sheffield and Reading. Report.
- Hurley, Paul; Hall, Jilly; Lyon, Jessica; Tsouvalis, Judith; Rose, David Christian; Little, Ruth. 2020: Inclusive design of post-Brexit Agri-Environmental Policy: Identifying and engaging the 'Harder to Reach' Stakeholders. An Empirical Study. The Universities of Sheffield and Reading. Report.
- Environmental Land Management: Making it work infographic [PDF, 143KB]
- Policy summary: Engaging 'Harder to Reach' stakeholders [PDF, 528KB]
Agri-environmental governance post-Brexit - broader project outputs
- Little, Ruth; Lyon, Jess; Rose, David; Tsouvalis, Judith; Escoffié, José Luis Fajardo; Burns, Charlotte; Hartley, Sue. 2021: Evidence submission to the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee: Environmental Land Management and the Agricultural Transition
- Burns, Charlotte; Little, Ruth; Rose, David; Tsouvalis, Judith. 2020: Evidence submission to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee on Biodiversity and Ecosystems.
- Tsouvalis, Judith; Little, Ruth. 2019: Co-Design, Co-production and Participatory Policy Making - Insights From the Social Sciences. figshare. Report.
- Tsouvalis, Judith; Little, Ruth. 2019: Factors Influencing Farmer Participation In Agri-Environment Schemes (AES) – Evidence From The Social Sciences. figshare. Report.
Blog posts
- Rose, D. C. 2020, July 1: "Enabling a just transition to England's new agri-environmental scheme". The University of Reading.
- Burns, Charlotte. 2020, April 22: "Covid19, environmental policy and Brexit", The UK in a Changing Europe.
- Tsouvalis, J and Little, R. 2020, January 17: “Agriculture Bill: here's what it means for farming and the environment after Brexit”, The Conversation.
- David Christian Rose, 26 June 2020, Letter to Farmers Weekly 'ELM scheme may fail without farmer input'.