
We're based in the Hicks Building, which is where you'll have most of your lectures, tutorials and computer workshops.

Hicks Building

Inside the Hicks Building there are lecture theatres, classrooms, and computer rooms for programming classes and independent study. There is also a common room for maths students, and meeting rooms you can book to work on projects with other students.

We're also just across the road from the award-winning library facilities at the Information Commons and The Diamond, and the UK's number one students' union, and a short walk from the city centre.


The Hicks Building has lots of classrooms where you'll have small group teaching sessions and computer workshops. Staff offices are also used for problems classes and personal tutor meetings.

Maths students in a seminar

Lecture theatres

There are several lecture theatres in our building, but you might also have lectures in other University venues, close the the accommodation and Students' Union. Lectures are recorded so you can return to them later.

Student spaces

Students in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, and in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, are free to socialise in the Barry Jackson common room, which was recently refurbished thanks to an alumni donation.

We also have desk study spaces where, by student request, computers are not provided so that you can work without distractions.

Sheffield University Mathematics Society, SUMS

Computer facilities

There are bookable computers available in the department, and hundreds of computers available through the University's library services, including at the Diamond and Information Commons, both of which are open to students 24/7.

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