I want to use physics to help people and make a real difference to their lives
What made you want to study your course?
I was particularly interested in medicine and the medical field but also really enjoyed physics and maths at A Level. I had a passion to combine them together. I found the field of medical physics and completed a three day NHS work shadowing placement speaking to medical physicists. It was a really valuable experience and I decided to pursue it for my degree. It was in my second year of study when I really fell in love with the subject.
What made you decide to study at the University of Sheffield?
Sheffield was one of only a few universities which offered a medical physics degree. The course at Sheffield is particularly good as it combines physics, medical physics and bioengineering. At this point I was still looking round unis with medical physics and biomedical engineering, asking loads of questions and trying to figure out what was right for me. Furthermore, I knew that I wanted to be based in the north of England, ideally close mountains. I am a fell runner and love spending time in the Peak District (which I could walk to from my uni accommodation!). I also knew someone at the university who spoke very highly of their time in Sheffield. I loved the students' union and the hub of a campus uni that was still in a green city, with loads of great coffee shops to study in!
What have you enjoyed most about your course so far?
I have loved having the lectures back in person following the COVID-19 lockdowns! I feel that I’ve had the chance to meet people on my course and get to know the academics. I love the approach to student feedback that the department has, which brings immediate solutions and improvements asked for by the students. I have felt supported throughout my degree and I have been able to take my learning into my own hands. I enjoy being able to ask questions and interact during the lectures. I have also liked the lab work and projects that we get to undertake especially the freedom we have to research interesting projects.
What skills have you developed during your course?
I have developed my scientific writing, communication and research skills, as well as academic ability and mathematical toolbox to solve problems. Multiple group projects have enhanced my leadership and organisational skills. I honestly don’t want want to sound like a cliche but this experience really has shaped me and the way I think about problems and the world. I feel a pride and excitement for my work in a way that I haven’t before and I am confident that I have the skills and experience I need for the next phase.
What would you say to a student thinking about studying your course at Sheffield?
Go for it! You will definitely find it challenging at times but it’s so worthwhile. I would particularly encourage other female students to apply, I found the environment supportive and inclusive from fellow students and staff. I wasn’t sure if physics was the subject for me when I applied, but at university I have thrived.
What are you planning to do after your degree?
At the moment I’m not quite sure, I have another year of study left and then my masters to do. However, there are so many options from clinical science to research or even industry. I’m also considering a PhD which a few years ago I wouldn’t be. I have found a real passion for quantum physics and medicine so I would like to be involved in developing new ideas and technologies that can take medicine into the quantum computing future. I want to use physics, the skills I have learnt to help people and make a real difference to their lives.