Professor Lyudmila Mihaylova
Prof Lyudmila Mihaylova is with the Automatic Control and Systems Engineering Department with the University of Sheffield. She leads a research team working towards introducing autonomy in intelligent systems, machine learning, multi-sensor data processing, and developing trustworthy autonomous solutions. For CSI:Cobot she is the co-I leading the work package on intelligent sensing, tracking and safety. Prof. Mihaylova is on the Board of Directors of the International Society of Information Fusion (ISIF) and was the ISIF President in the period 2016–2018. She has given a number of plenary talks and tutorials, including the invited talk in Harbin (Intelligent Navigation and Advanced Information Technology Workshop’2020), plenary talk in Cairo (JIC Smart Cities’2019), NATO SET- 262 AI 2018 (Hungary), Fusion 2017 (Xi’an, China) and others.