The University of Sheffield
Programme Regulations Finder

COM3505   The Internet of Things   (10 credits)

Year Running: 2023/2024
Credit level: F6
Additional Information   Maximum capacity of 120 students; these will be considered and accepted on a first request basis. Students should be competent programmers to take this course and capable of using Git and the command-line.


Low cost networked computers add eyes and ears (or sensors) and arms, legs and voices (or actuators) to the Internet. These devices are then connected to on-line 'brains' (using big data, machine learning and analytics in the cloud). This field is called the Internet of Things (IoT). Will the result be a 'world robot'?! No matter, in a world of many more devices than people, engineers who know how the new tech works and how to secure it will be in high demand. The COM3505 module covers the context and history of the IoT, the hardware, communications protocols and security systems it relies on, and the cloud-side analytics that make sense of the data produced. It gives practical hands-on experience of common IoT devices (sensors, actuators, microcontrollers), and look at a range of commercial platforms. Each student is given an ESP32 wifi microcontroller to keep and we program live IoT applications using that device. Students will have the opportunity to use the Diamond electronics lab and the iForge project space to complete their own IoT device with a range of hardware and capabilities. [Students should be competent programmers to take this course, be ok using Git and the command-line, and be aware that there are limited places available.]


Reading List

Please click here for reading list.

Teaching Methods

Delivery Type Hours
Independent 70.0
Lab 20.0
Lecture 10.0

Methods of assessment

Assessment Type Duration % of formal assessment Semester
Exam 1.0 0 % S2
Other 0.0 100 % S2

Teaching methods and assessment displayed on this page are indicative for 2023-24.