The University of Sheffield
Programme Regulations Finder

CIV6746   Design of Water Distribution and Sewer Networks   (15 credits)

Year Running: 2019/2020
Credit level: F7


This module will provide you with a high level of knowledge and understanding as to how aging water distribution and urban drainage systems operate in the UK. Teaching will focus on acquiring knowledge about current regulatory and design practices. You will also be required to use industry standard software to apply hydraulic and water quality/pollution concepts to evaluate and modify the performance of water distribution and sewer networks. You will be expected to demonstrate this knowledge and understanding via application in case studies - water distribution network and a sewer network.


Reading List

Please click here for reading list.

Teaching Methods

Delivery Type Hours
Independent 300.0

Methods of assessment

Assessment Type Duration % of formal assessment Semester
Course Work 0.0 80 % S2
Other 0.0 20 % S2

Teaching methods and assessment displayed on this page are indicative for 2019-20.