The University of Sheffield
Programme Regulations Finder

FCE1001   Global Engineering Challenge Week   (0 credits)

Year Running: 2018/2019
Credit level: F4


The Faculty-wide Global Engineering Challenge Week is a compulsory part of the first-year programme. The project has been designed to develop student academic, transferable and employability skills as well as widen their horizons as global citizens. Working in multi-disciplinary groups of 5-6, for a full week, all students in the Faculty choose from a number of projects arranged under a range of themes including Water, Waste Management, Energy and Digital with scenarios set in an overseas location facing economic challenge. Some projects are based on the Engineers Without Borders Engineering for people design challenge*. *The EWB challenge provides students with the opportunity to learn about design, teamwork and communication through real, inspiring, sustainable and cross-cultural development projects identified by EWB with its community-based partner organisations.


Reading List

Please click here for reading list.

Teaching Methods

Delivery Type Hours
Independent 27.0
Lecture 8.0

Methods of assessment

Assessment Type Duration % of formal assessment Semester
Other 0.0 100 % S1

Teaching methods and assessment displayed on this page are indicative for 2018-19.