The University of Sheffield
Programme Regulations Finder

LAW3021   Police and Policing in a Global Context   (20 credits)

Year Running: 2018/2019
Credit level: F6
Additional Information   Only available to final year law students (and BA Soc/Pol). A 2.1 average in the Level 2 Semester 1 Examinations/Coursework is usually required


This module explores policing on a macro-level, taking into account developments on a national and global scale. The topics covered will include: conceptualizing the police and policing; key features of policing, such as police powers, discretion, police culture and accountability; models of policing; the history of policing in the UK and elsewhere; the policing of multi-ethnic communities (who can also be thought of as 'global citizens'); the role of the police in policing, in the light of the growing involvement of non-warranted civilians and others in policing activities; policing in other countries, including post-colonial countries; and policing in a transnational context; policing in global, late modern societies. The module will be partly empirical, but it will also be grounded in theories about the use of power; for example, it will be situated within theories about governance and social control, whilst also exploring whether and from where the police derive legitimacy in exerting power/authority over citizens.


Reading List

Please click here for reading list.

Teaching Methods

Delivery Type Hours
Independent 170.0
Lecture 20.0
Seminar 5.0
Tutorial 5.0

Methods of assessment

Assessment Type Duration % of formal assessment Semester
Course Work 0.0 100 % S2

Teaching methods and assessment displayed on this page are indicative for 2018-19.