The University of Sheffield
Programme Regulations Finder

LAW6154   Principles of Commercial Law   (15 credits)

Year Running: 2016/2017
Credit level: F7


This module aims to give students an understanding of the principles of commercial law within the system of English law, which is a popular choice of law in commercial transactions. It will examine the main concepts and principles of commercial law and how these apply to a number of common commercial transactions.  The course will examine legal and judicial doctrines critically, to evaluate the conflicts, inconsistencies and tensions between the principles. Transactions/issues considered could include, for example, the interpretation of contractual terms, the laws of agency, limitations and restrictions of liability and security transactions.


Reading List

Please click here for reading list.

Teaching Methods

Delivery Type Hours
Independent 138.0
Seminar 12.0

Methods of assessment

Assessment Type Duration % of formal assessment Semester
Course Work 0.0 100 % S1

Teaching methods and assessment displayed on this page are indicative for 2016-17.