Sheffield offered many laboratory projects that I was really interested in

Yan Lin
Yan Lin
Masters student
Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine MSc
Yan wanted to boost her lab skills and her course has led to a role in the biotechnology industry.

My course is the Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine MSc. There are many reasons that made me decide to study the course.

Firstly, I used to be a student in China, who was majoring in regenerative medicine. However, I did not have full trainings and was encouraged to seek better training. I found that the University of Sheffield offered many laboratory projects and I was really interested in some of them.

Although this year has been frustrating due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I have great memories of my colleagues and lab-mates. They are talented, open-minded and outgoing. We all have great time with each other.

Furthermore, I would love to express my appreciation to my tutor and supervisor. They taught me how to perform better in academia and how to be a researcher, also gave me many valuable suggestions for careers. This course has helped me boost my confidence and improve my academic skills, especially in presentation and communication.

Now I've finished my course, I am going to be a researcher in the biotechnology company. Thank you for all the great experiences in Sheffield.

Four students laughing while sat at a bench, outside the Students' Union

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