English Module Options

If you are a first or second year undergraduate student and would like to develop your English language and communications skills, the ELTC offers modules for credit and not-for-credit.

Tutor presents image on the board to class

About the modules

The ELTC offers 10 credit modules in the area of English for Academic Purposes (EAP). Modules in both EAP Reading and Writing and EAP Speaking and Listening are open for enrolment to first and second year University of Sheffield undergraduate students.

These modules will help you to develop your English language, intercultural awareness, and enhance your communication skills in an academic context. Learning takes place in interactive group classes with guided independent learning.


The modules can be taken in either the Autumn or Spring semester.

It is not possible to repeat a module on the same topic in an academic year.

For example, you cannot take ELT5401 EAP Reading and Writing in the Autumn semester and ELT5402 EAP Reading and Writing in the Spring semester as the module content is repeated. 

You can however take an EAP Reading and Writing module in the Autumn semester, and an EAP Speaking and Listening module in the Spring semester (or vice-versa). 

Semester 1

  • ELT5401 - English for Academic Purposes (Reading and Writing) - 10 credits
  • ELT5411 - English for Academic Purposes (Speaking and Listening) - 10 credits

Semester 2

  • ELT5402 - English for Academic Purposes (Reading and Writing) - 10 credits
  • ELT5412 - English for Academic Purposes (Speaking and Listening) - 10 credits

Information about the course content, assessment and entry requirements are available on our European Exchange and Study Abroad modules page under the English for Academic Purposes heading.

Enrolment options

You can either study a language as part of your degree (through guided module choice) or alongside your degree (not-for-credit modules).

Guided module choice (for credit) enrolment information

All degrees in the UK consist of 120 credits per year. At the University of Sheffield, undergraduate modules are typically worth credits in multiples of 10 (for example 10 credits or 20 credits per module). A student must enrol for modules totalling 120 credits record each year.

Some degrees, such as Medicine, assign all 120 credits to core modules creating a rigid degree structure for all students on that programme. However, many of our degree programmes incorporate a guided module choice process, to enable students to diversify their learning experience by choosing relevant modules either within or outside of their home school.

If you choose to enrol for an ELTC EAP module through guided module choice, the module will:

  • be included in the 120 credits that form your degree for that academic year
  • affect your ability to graduate, or progress to the next year of your degree

How to enrol (for credit)

You can make your selections for your guided modules via online module choice (University log-in required) if you are a continuing student, or via online guided module choice if you are a new student. 

Not-for-credit enrolment information

The University of Sheffield offers language study as an extra-curricular activity in addition to studies within degree programmes.

Not-for-credit modules will:

  • not be included in the 120 credits that form your degree
  • not count towards your overall mark for the year
  • not affect your ability to graduate, or progress to the next year of your degree

How to enrol (not-for credit)

There are two ways in which students can enrol on not-for-credit modules through the Languages for All (LfA) programme:

1) As a Languages for All fee waiver student

Your main degree programme cannot include any unrestricted credits (please check with your home school) to enrol through this route.

There is no fee to enrol via a Languages for All fee waiver, but minimum attendance and coursework criteria apply.

University of Sheffield students who receive a fee waiver under the Languages for All scheme must:

  • attend a minimum of 70% of seminars and tutorials
  • complete all formative assessment for the module and the oral examination as determined by the module leader.

Languages for All Cancellation policy A applies to this option.

To enrol through through this route as a fee waiver not-for-credit student please email eltc@sheffield.ac.uk

2) As a self-funded student

Students that do not meet the eligibility criteria for a fee waiver can enrol as a LfA self-funded student.

A fee applies for LfA self-funded students. Courses cost £270 for 1 semester and £480 for 2 semesters.

Languages for All cancellation policy B applies to this option.

To enrol through through this route as a self-funded not-for-credit student please email eltc@sheffield.ac.uk

To check if you are eligible for a fee waiver, and to view further details about the each cancellation policy, please visit the Languages for All programme's eligibility web page.

Contact us

You can find more information about the ELTC modules by contacting the us at eltc@sheffield.ac.uk.

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