Brexit: reciprocal healthcare inquiry

Professor Tamara Hervey is providing advice to a House of Lords Sub-Committee who are conducting an Inquiry on Brexit: reciprocal healthcare.

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Providing specialist advice

Professor Tamara Hervey is providing advice to a House of Lords Sub-Committee who are conducting an Inquiry on Brexit: reciprocal healthcare. She has been appointed as Specialist Adviser to the Inquiry, which will run throughout the autumn. Specialist advisers work with the Committee Chair and its secretariat on an ad hoc basis to provide authoritative advice in relation to an Inquiry. 


The House of Lords EU Committee and its six Sub-Committees are conducting a coordinated series of short inquiries looking at the key issues that will arise in the negotiations on Brexit.

Scope of the inquiry

Healthcare entitlements under EU law are tied to social security benefits. The EU's rules-based social security coordination system is part of EU law on the free movement of persons. Its aims are to ensure portability of benefits across the EU, and equality of treatment with nationals within the host social security system. Benefits, including access to healthcare, are reciprocal and apply to UK citizens in the EU/EEA, and vice versa.

The inquiry will focus on the reciprocal healthcare implications of Brexit for UK citizens travelling, living and/or working in the rest of the EU, and for EU citizens travelling, living and/or working in the UK, in both the short and medium term.

News and the latest developments relating to this inquiry

Although I remain deeply concerned about the effects of leaving the EU on all aspects of the UK's economic, social and cultural life, including health, I am honoured to be able to assist the House of Lords in its Inquiry. The scrutiny of executive action is one of the most important responsibilities of a legislature, and the UK House of Lords has a distinguished track record of scrutiny of the EU. One of the great pleasures of being a professor is the ways in which it enables the kinds of public service entailed in being a Specialist Adviser.

Professor Tamara Hervey

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