Professional experience

These pages provide an overview of the professional experience required to qualify as an architect in the UK, including details of the Year in Practice which students undertake between RIBA Part 1 and RIBA Part 2 courses.

Sheffield graduate working with colleagues at desk at work

Professional Experience

In addition to completing Part 1 and Part 2 academic courses, students looking to qualify as an architect in the UK are also required to undertake a minimum of 24 months professional experience, supervised by a registered architect or other qualified professional working in the construction industry. This experience is to be recorded using PEDR (Professional Experience and Development Record)

Professional Experience may include Stage 1 experience (for Part 1 students and graduates on their Year in Practice) but must also include a minimum of 12 months Stage 2 experience (for Part 2 students and graduates), of which a minimum of 12 months must be undertaken in the 24 months immediately prior to taking the final Part 3 Examination.

At least 12 of the minimum 24 months should also have been spent working in the EEA (including the UK), the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man and it is recommended that a minimum of 12 months is undertaken in the UK. This is because the Part 3 qualification tests UK practice and law and it is likely that candidates with insufficient UK experience will find it difficult to meet the levels of skill and knowledge set out in the Part 3 Criteria.

We provide support for students and graduates in the form of PEDR monitoring during periods of professional experience.

RIBA Part 3 Examination

In order to undertake the final Part 3 Examination, graduates will need to have completed Part 1 and Part 2 courses and enrol on a validated Part 3 Course. Whilst the Sheffield School of Architecture does not run a course, there are a number of Part 3 Courses available around the UK.