Make a donation

Thank you for choosing to support the transformational power of education and research at the University of Sheffield.


Donate online

Make a gift online using your debit or credit card via our secure payments system.

Donate online now

Make a regular giftStart your regular gift today​​​​​​Increase or amend an existing regular gift

Donors based in the UK can also set up a tax-efficient regular gift via their employer using the Government's Payroll Giving scheme.

For more information visit the GOV.UK webpage or contact us at

Why choose a regular gift?

Donate by cheque

Send your cheque (payable to 'The University of Sheffield') to:

University of Sheffield, Campaigns and Alumni Relations
40 Victoria Street, Sheffield, S10 2TN, UK 

Please include a note with your name, address and contact details, and state the cause you'd like your donation to go to.

Leave a gift in your Will

Leave a lasting impact through education by remembering Sheffield in your Will.

Legacy giving

Give a transformational gift

If you'd like to make a transformational gift to the University, we'd be delighted to talk to you.

Contact Ceris Morris, Director of Fundraising
Call: +44 (0) 114 222 4512

Gifts of stocks and shares

Donating shares can be a very tax-effective way of giving, especially if you are a higher rate or additional rate tax-payer. Giving in this way enables you to claim full tax relief to the market value of your shares.

Contact Ceris Morris, Director of Fundraising
Call: +44 (0) 114 222 4512