Research Funding Success for Sheffield School of Architecture

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions are prestigious Innovative Training Networks for early stage researchers funded by the EU. The School of Architecture at Sheffield University is a member of two current Innovative Training Networks.

Staff member talking to students at exhibition

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) provide grants for researchers at all stages of their careers, from doctoral candidates to highly experienced researchers. Within these, Innovative Training Networks (ITN) support the training of Early Stage Researchers (ESR) with the aim of establishing future partnerships amongst the ESRs. MSCAs encourage transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. The ITNs are thus founded in Universities (and other research-focused organisations) and non-academic partners across Europe. Competition for ITN grants is extremely high so being a part of two ITNs demonstrates the quality of research at the School of Architecture. 

Professor Steve Fotios is a member of the LightCAP project which started in May 2020. LightCAP is a response to the rapid technological developments in light sources, the proliferation of intelligent infrastructures, and new understanding of the impact of light on health, social and cognitive functioning. The goal of LightCAP is to prepare the next generation of experts able to deliver on the promise of truly intelligent, human-centric lighting. Professor Fotios will supervise two ESRs investigating road lighting; lighting at pedestrian crossings and lighting to support drivers. The aim of both projects is to promote the safety of pedestrians and cyclists by reducing road traffic collisions. The ESRs will join other researchers in the Lighting Research Group who focus on lighting to support pedestrians and cyclists after dark. Supporting walking and cycling is an essential component of national and international policies to reduce reliance on motorised vehicles for local journeys. 

Professor Karim Hadjri is a member of the RE-DWELL project, which is due to start in September 2020. Although shelter (or, adequate housing) is a basic human right, the supply of housing is catastrophically and globally failing to keep up with demand: in Europe alone there are about three million people without access to adequate housing. RE-DWELL will address the urgent need for affordable and sustainable housing, a major challenge for European societies. Professor Hadjri’s work focuses on age-friendly housing. His recently-completed ODESSA project promoted new approaches for adapting the homes of the over 80s to enable them to live independently for longer and avoid going into residential care.

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