Muna Osman, Speech and Language Therapy BMedSci

Muna Osman
Muna Osman
Speech and Language Therapy BMedSci
I’m the oldest of five children and it was always a dream of mine for my parents to see the day I walk across the stage and collect my degree. I’ve lived in Sheffield since I was three months old and the University has always been a place where I’ve dreamt of studying as it is so well regarded nationally and internationally.

When I was in college I decided to apply for a pharmacy degree at Bradford. But after I applied I started having second thoughts - chemistry didn’t appeal to me as much as it once did and I lost interest in the course.

I felt really stressed during this time as I thought it was too late to change anything, but that wasn’t the case.

On results day I did well, achieved my grades, and decided to go through clearing at the University of Sheffield. I changed my course as after realising a pharmacy degree wasn’t for me, I’d done a lot of extensive research and a course in speech and language therapy really intrigued me. It had everything I was looking for. 

I always thought the clearing process would be long and difficult, but I was wrong - it was the complete opposite. I was given a phone interview on the same day and was told I’d successfully secured a place. I was over the moon and there was so much support every step of the way.

During my first semester, I felt I didn’t want my university experience to be solely academic. I wanted to explore my surroundings and make new friends, which was why I decided to join the Somali society. I wanted to meet new people and embrace more of my culture as I come from a Somali background. 

I believe the Students’ Union is at the heart of University life and I always find myself there after a long lecture to eat and have a nice chat with friends.

Muna Osman

My main advice for anyone who is worried about starting university is to get involved in the social aspect of the experience as this will really help you throughout your journey. The University of Sheffield offers many amazing opportunities which you most likely would not get after university, so I would say make the most of it and watch yourself outgrow your comfort zone!

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