Hillz FM

Hillz FM is a community radio station in Hillfields, Coventry. It broadcasts on 98.6FM 24/7.

Volunteer broadcasters will be undertaking interviews with people who may have something to say for our project. These people are identified by volunteer broadcasters and local connections as well as through the literature on the area.

These people might include:

  • long-term residents
  • those who have worked in the voluntary sector in Hillfields
  • musicians and artists working in the area
  • academics
  • policy workers and community workers active in the area

Included are representatives from communities, including:

  • the Afro-Caribbean community
  • those living on welfare
  • immigrants
  • those poorly housed

We may explore the issues these people have experience of at a later date as themes and questions emerge.

The rationale for encouraging broadcasters to conduct interviews is that they know the area and its history. In particular, the resident DJs have lived the community’s relationship with the political economy of Hillfields, Coventry, the West Midlands and UK. They are able to pose questions in semi-structured and unstructured interviews from this intimate knowledge.

The first interview is also discussed here.

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