This course equipped me with the right skills and knowledge for my current role

Syeda Gulnoor Zahra
Syeda Gulnoor Zahra
Data Science MSc
The quality of education and support from staff are some of the reasons why Syeda from Pakistan recommends the Data Science course at the Information School
Syeda Gulnoor Zahra

What did you do after leaving the Information School?

Soon after I graduated, I went back home to spend some time with my family. Meanwhile, I kept applying for jobs and relevant PhDs in my area of interest.

What was your favourite thing about studying at the Information School?

My favourite things about studying at the Information School are the quality of education and the support from the academic staff. Given the unfortunate conditions due to the pandemic, all the staff were very considerate and accommodating.

How did studying at the Information School help your career?

Studying the MSc Data Science course at the Information School equipped me with the right skills and knowledge which is proving very beneficial in my current role as a PhD student in Artificial Intelligence.

What is your current job title and where do you work?

PhD student in Artificial Intelligence at University of Bath.

What is a typical day in your role?

My typical day in the role includes attending relevant seminars, lectures, meetings and working with my supervisor on my research topic which focuses on Algorithmic Auditing.

If you could give one tip to somebody coming to study at the Information School, what would that be?

My biggest tip for anyone coming to study at the Information School would be to make the best out of the resources available at the department. Do not hesitate to ask questions from your lecturers, tutors etc, no matter how trivial the question may seem.

Four students laughing while sat at a bench, outside the Students' Union

International scholarships

We offer a generous package of financial support for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate taught scholarships towards the annual tuition fee. Applications are open for existing offer holders.