Completing the course will ensure I have the skills needed for a graduate position in a world-class firm

Tobias Edwards
Tobias Edwards
Postgraduate student
Landscape Architecture MA
MA student Tobias Edwards chose to study Landscape Architecture after looking for graduate jobs outdoors.
Tobias Edwards

Why did you decide to study landscape architecture at Sheffield?

In my final year of my undergraduate degree, I was looking for what would be the next chapter. I started looking at masters programs, searching online for something along the lines of ‘graduate jobs outdoors’.

Having done A Level art at school, I was looking for something where I could practice drawing again. Landscape architecture caught my eye, which at that time I had never really heard of.

After delving deeper, I came across the MA course at the University of Sheffield and continued to read about it on their website. I read the staff profiles and looked at the university league tables where Sheffield was rated number one. It all seemed fantastic.

I knew Sheffield is a great city, it’s close to where I live, and enrolling on this course would allow me to learn Landscape Architecture without having to do another undergraduate course.

I attended an open day at the University. After being given a guided tour of the campus, facilities, and the School of Architecture and Landscape, I was sold. Later that day, I chatted to some staff in the school who made me feel very welcome and they were evidently passionate about what they did.

My dream is that my future career will enable me to be involved in large-scale projects all over the world.

Tobias Edwards

Landscape Architecture MA

I also witnessed the students’ superb quality of work that was pinned up on the walls ready for the summer exhibition; I couldn’t believe such work was humanly possible! I thought: I want to be able to do that!

When my undergraduate results arrived and I sent my masters application in to Sheffield, and have since thoroughly enjoyed every minute.  

What have you enjoyed about the course so far and why?

So far I have enjoyed everything about the course. Every day is exciting because you are thrown into the deep end, challenged, and pushed to learn something new. The intensive nature of the course also means that improvement is also rapid.

I feel grateful to be able to learn and practice something about which I am passionate and fascinated; alongside a fantastic group of people who have similar goals and aspirations.        

What skills have you gained whilst studying here?

I’ve learnt a great number of skills studying here including:

  • developing personal briefs, ideas and design concepts
  • responding to briefs to produce hand drawn and digital masterplans, detailed design, section elevations, axonometric and isometric visuals, at varying scales
  • sculptural and modelling methods
  • understanding ecological processes
  • knowledge of how to design with plants and construction materials
  • developing approaches to media and graphic communication
  • large-scale landscape planning concepts and methods
  • ability to work and learn collaboratively in a group
  • landscape research and theory

How do you think your degree experience will help you in your career?

My goal is to work as a landscape architect as soon as I finish the MA course. Completing the course will ensure I have the necessary skills needed for a graduate position in a world-class firm.

My dream is that my future career will enable me to be involved in large-scale projects all over the world.

What advice would you give to a new Sheffield student?

I would advise them to ensure their priority is to continually do the things they need to do every day in order to get to where they ultimately want to be. The years go so fast. Ask lots of questions, share knowledge and ask for feedback.

Constantly learning and applying new things can sometimes be stressful. When this happens, take a step back and ask yourself ‘why are you at university?’ You need to have a clear long-term goal in mind in order to motivate you for the short term.

Finally, make sure you have a good laugh and do all the things which you love. Just enjoy it.    

Tell us something unexpected you have done during your degree

I have made friends with people from at least ten different countries of the world, which I did not expect! I have taken up bouldering as a new hobby too. I have also been year rep and got involved with the student and staff committee and department open days. 

Four smiling postgraduate students sat working together in a campus location - one of the group is typing on their laptop.

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