POSTPONED - PhD Masterclass: Working with marginalised communities (2)

A photo of a lecturer speaking

Event details

Tuesday 2 May 2023
Campus - TBC


Event postponed - new date TBC.

Working collaboratively with Roma in Central and Eastern Europe and the UK

Instructors: Olga Fuseini and Lois Orton (Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield) 

During this session we (Olga and Lois) will briefly reflect on our experiences of working (individually and together) with Roma (and other populations in similar social positions) in Central and Eastern Europe and the UK. There will be a particular focus on methods for bringing ourselves/our perspectives into the research ‘product’ and for involving our research ‘subjects’ as active contributors in the research process. We will invite workshop participants to spend some time (individually and collectively) critically reflecting on how their social position, views and experiences shape the knowledge that they produce and to think about how these reflections can be used to inform the research process and account.

If you would like to attend the masterclass, please contact Migration Research at

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