Disability Liaison Officers
What a Disability Liaison Officer (DLO) is, and how to contact yours.
What is a Disability Liaison Officer?
Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) are members of University staff based in your department who are a designated point of contact for disabled students. Each academic department has at least one, listed below.
Your departmental DLO is a good first point of contact if you have a question about how things work in your department, or how to access additional support. You can contact them if you have a question or concern, particularly if it's related to your department's support or processes.
With your permission, we'll send the DLOs in your academic department(s) information about your disability, and make recommendations around how your department can best support you.
Department contacts
Department | Name | Job title | Email address | Phone |
Accommodation and Commercial Services |
Dominic Tomes |
Student Support & Wellbeing Officer |
+44 114 222 8882 |
Aerospace Engineering |
Laura Wright Rachel Jones |
Senior Student Support Officer Assessment and Feedback Officer |
+44 114 222 5704 +44 114 222 7755 |
Academic Practice & Skills Development | Dr Jenny Freeman | Maths & Stats Help Centre Manager | j.v.freeman@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 1749 |
AMRC | Anne Else | Learner Support Lead | a.else@amrc.co.uk | +44 114 222 9956 |
Archaeology |
Kathryn Goldsack Alley Bridge-York Beky Hasnip |
Student Support Officer Faculty Student Experience Adviser Admissions and Postgraduate Support Manager |
+44 114 222 5104 +44 114 222 8056 +44 114 222 2552 |
Architecture (School of) Architecture (School of) |
Catherine Skelcher Becky Gray |
University Teacher Learning and Teaching Manager |
+44 114 222 0305 +44 114 222 0309 |
Automatic Control and Systems Engineering |
Sophie Wykes |
Student and Course Support Assistant |
+44 114 222 5646 |
Biomedical Engineering | Peter Lomas | Learning and Teaching Manager | peter.lomas@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 7896 |
Careers and Employability Hub | Helen Fauset | Employability Project Officer | h.s.fauset@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0965 |
Chemical and Biological Engineering |
Annette Taylor Ben Pearson |
Senior Lecturer Undergraduate Support Officer |
+44 114 222 9607 +44 114 222 7572 |
Chemistry | Ben Partridge | Lecturer | b.m.partridge@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 9303 |
Civil and Structural Engineering | Laura Wright | Senior Student Support Officer | l.wright@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2570 |
Clinical Dentistry (School of) |
Jennie Young Josephine Harwood |
PA to the Dean & School Administrator Student Support Officer |
Clinical Psychology - DClinPsy |
Rachel Hill |
Clinical Tutor |
+44 114 222 6573 |
Computer Science |
Cassie Charles Stacey Jaouane |
Senior Assessment Officer Undergraduate Admissions & Student Support Officer |
+44 114 222 1800 |
Department for Lifelong Learning | Maria Baldam | Student Support & Welfare Assistant | m.baldam@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 7023 |
East Asian Studies (School of) |
Mike Prentice Clea Carroll |
Lecturer in Korean Studies Learning & Teaching Administrator |
+44 114 222 8417 +44 114 222 8423 |
Economics | Shirley Riley-Lake | Student Experience Officer | s.riley-lake@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 3327 |
Education (School of) | Megan Ayres | Senior Student Experience Officer |
eduPGT@sheffield.ac.uk (PGT) eduPGR@sheffield.ac.uk (PGR) |
+44 114 222 8177 |
Electronic and Electrical Engineering | Neil Powell | Academic | n.powell@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5172 |
June Nelson |
Clerical Assistant |
+44 114 222 1780 |
English (School of) |
Rachel van Duyvenbode |
Senior University Teacher | english@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 8482 |
FCM6100 - Faculty of Health - Research Ethics and Integrity module | Bethany Flood | PGR Administrative Assistant | medicine-pgr@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 22 59573 |
FCS6100 - Faculty of Social Sciences - Research Ethics and Integrity module | James Peacock | PGR Support Assistant | james.peacock@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0174 |
Geography |
Kate Findlater Sarah Sanderson |
Learning & Teaching Manager Programmes Assistant |
+44 114 222 7901 +44 114 222 7981 |
Global Engagement | Lizzey Rounding | Global Opportunities Co-ordinator | e.rounding@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 225 7620 |
Health and Safety | Mark Neile-Eyre | Fire Safety Adviser | m.neale-eyre@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 7902 401519 |
History |
Lucy Brown Beky Hasnip Chris Mowat |
Teaching Associate in Modern British History PG Student Experience Manager & Deputy Department Manager Student Support Officer |
+44 114 222 2605 +44 114 222 2552 +44 114 222 2598 |
Human Communication Sciences |
Rachael Duckworth Ben Rutter Tracey Pacan Karzan Hughes |
Research Fellow University Teacher Team Leader University Teacher |
+44 114 222 2623 +44 114 222 2413 +44 114 222 2058 +44 114 215 9035 |
Information School |
Mengdie Zhuang Emma Vessey Sarah Vannini |
Lecturer Student Experience Officer |
+44 114 222 2662 |
Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease | Vicky Cottam | Administrative Assistant | vicky.cottam@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 225 9504 |
IPA Digital Humanities Institute IPAT07 and IPAT11 | Valeria Vitale | Lecturer in Digital Humanities | v.vitale@sheffield.ac.uk | |
IT Services | Mark Morley | Educational Technologist | m.morley@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 3017 |
Landscape | Helen Morris | Learning & Teaching Manager | h.morris@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0600 |
Languages and Cultures (School of) | Kat Gardner | Student Experience Support Officer | k.hutchison@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0632 |
Law (School of) |
Rachel Bolt Steph Windle |
Senior Student Experience Officer Student Experience Manager |
+44 114 222 6706 +44 114 222 6847 |
Library |
Joanne Marsden |
Assistive Technology Officer |
+44 114 222 7304 |
Management School |
Elenor Bigg Sophie Banbury |
Student Experience Officer Learning & Teaching Manager |
sumsassessmentsupport@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 57171 |
Materials Science and Engineering | Wendy Dutton | Admin Support, Exams (Preparation and Monitoring) | w.dutton@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 5942 |
Mathematics and Statistics (School of) |
Charlotte Brown |
Student Welfare Adviser |
+44 114 222 4561 |
Mechanical Engineering General Engineering |
Rachel Morley Disability Liaison Officer |
Assessment and Feedback Officer - |
gen-eng-support@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 222 7755 - |
School of Journalism, Media and Communication |
Nicola Daniel Maisie Fairburn Ruth Manderson |
Senior Student Experience Officer |
+44 114 222 4253 +44 114 222 2500 +44 114 222 4254 |
School of Medicine and Population Health - Undergraduate |
Chloe Royles Lopa Husain Amy Horan |
Student Support Assistant Academic Lead for Widening Participation Student Support Assistant |
+44 114 222 5524 +44 114 222 5576 +44 114 215 9626 |
School of Medicine and Population Health - Postgraduate Research |
Paula Blackwell Dania Kurd |
Admissions Administrator | medicine-pgr@sheffield.ac.uk | |
School of Medicine and Population Health - PGT (Including Dept. of Oncology and Metabolism) Medical - Academic Unit of Medical Education (AUME) |
Dr Carolyn Staton Neil Chapman |
Lecturer Senior University Teacher |
+44 114 225 9063 +44 114 215 9671 |
Modern Languages Teaching Centre |
Michelle Deakin Paul Jepson |
Student Experience Officer Support Assistant |
+44 114 222 7148 +44 114 222 4897 |
Multidisciplinary Engineering Education |
Simon Cooke & Lucy Cherrett |
Student Support Officers |
+44 114 222 9735 +44 114 222 6163 |
Music |
Louise Cooper |
Student Experience Manager |
UG: admin-ugmusic@sheffield.ac.uk PGT: admin-pgtmusic@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 222 0488 |
Nursing and Midwifery (School of) |
Rachael Duckworth Ben Rutter Tracey Pacan Karzan Hughes |
Research Fellow University Teacher Team Leader University Teacher |
+44 114 222 2623 +44 114 222 2413 +44 114 222 2058 +44 114 215 9035 |
Orthoptics |
Rachael Duckworth Ben Rutter Tracey Pacan Karzan Hughes |
Research Fellow University Teacher Team Leader University Teacher |
+44 114 222 2623 +44 114 222 2413 +44 114 222 2058 +44 114 215 9035 |
Philosophy | Rosanna Keefe | Professor | r.keefe@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0581 |
Physics and Astronomy |
David Mowbray Charlotte Brown |
Professor of Physics |
+44 114 222 4561 |
Politics |
Sarah Moga Alex Clarke Bethan Stonehouse |
Undergraduate Officer Learning & Teaching Assistant |
+44 114 222 1643 +44 114 222 1648 |
Psychology | Liz Carl | Level 2 UG Administrator | liz.carl@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6543 |
Psychology - PSYT53 only | Rachel Durance | PGT Student Support Officer | r.e.durance@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6534 |
Psychology - PSYT15 and PSYT16 |
Psychology - PSYT51, PSYT52 and PSYT33 | Sarah Barnett | CPU Administrator | sarah.barnett@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6649 |
Religion, Theology and the Bible | Anne-Marie Frisby | Senior Student Support Officer | a-m.frisby@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 0570 |
School of Biosciences |
Dr Penny Watt Lucy Deakin |
Lecturer Student Welfare and Engagement Officer |
+44 114 222 0076 +44 114 222 1097 |
School of Medicine and Population Health (Population Health) |
Janine Harrison Charlotte Hollins |
Learning and Teaching Assistant Academic Programmes Manager |
+44 114 222 0720 +44 114 222 2998 |
Science and Engineering Foundation Year | Peter Lomas | Learning and Teaching Manager | peter.lomas@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 7896 |
Sheffield International College |
Kayleigh Thomas Charlotte Nicholson |
Sheffield Methods Institute | Karen Bralsford | Clerical Officer | k.bralsford@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 8398 |
Sociological Studies | Katherine Davies | Lecturer in Sociology | sociological.studies@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6479 |
Student Mental Health, Counselling and Therapies Service | Helen Richardson | Counsellor | mentalhealthcounselling@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 4134 |
Student Recruitment and Admissions |
Peter Goodliffe Kathryn Dawson |
Senior UK Recruitment Officer Student Recruitment Administrator |
+44 114 222 1297 +44 114 222 1232 |
Student Recruitment and Admissions Student Recruitment and Admissions |
Lucy Denton Lauren Waller |
Widening Participation Officer (Post-16 Engagement) Widening Participation Officer (Pre-16 Engagement) |
+44 114 222 1029 +44 114 222 9166 |
University Health Service |
Kate Sleeman |
UHS Secretary |
+44 114 222 22128 |
Urban Studies and Planning | Tom Wright | Student Experience Officer | tom.wright@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 6917 |