Mapping EQ-5D-5L to 3L

This is a project was part-funded by The Department of Health’s Policy Research Unit in Economic Methods of Evaluation of Health and Social Care Interventions (EEPRU). The aim of the project was to develop a reference case mapping between 3L and 5L, suitable for mapping in either direction.


Further details can be found on the EEPRU project page, estimating the relationship between EQ-5D-5L and EQ-5D-3L.

DSU work

In order for analysts to be able to easily implement the results from the mapping model, Stata, Excel and R commands have been developed. These are available below, along with instructions on how to use them. 

When using these commands, please cite the associated EEPRU paper - Hernández Alava, M., Pudney, S. & Wailoo, A. Estimating the Relationship Between EQ-5D-5L and EQ-5D-3L: Results from a UK Population Study. PharmacoEconomics (2022).

The Stata eq5dmap command has been updated and can now be installed from within Stata by typing  search eq5dmap and following the on-screen instructions.

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