Yannis Kallianos joins Urban Institute

The Urban Institute welcomes new Research Associate Yannis who will work on the GLOBALCorridor Project funded by the European Research Council.

Yannis Kallianos

Dr Yannis Kallianos is an anthropologist with a long-standing interest in issues of public space, urban infrastructure, waste, everyday life, grassroots politics, socio-political contestation, and imagination. His recent work has focused on the politics of infrastructure in times of crisis in Greece, specifically looking at the ways in which spatial and socio-technical arrangements are entangled with uncertainty, contestation, imagination, harm, and disorder.

Yannis will be working with a team of researchers (news to follow) on an ERC funded project called GlobalCORRIDOR led by Dr Jonathan Silver. The project looks at the ways in which new corridor initiatives reshape modes of urbanization across different contexts. Focused on Greece, and more broadly on the Mediterranean region, his research will examine how the production of infrastructural space related to new corridors co-shapes forms of (im)mobility, inequality, contestation, and power relations.

GLOBALCorridor is part of our Infrastructures in Action research interrogations theme. 

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