Our team

Urban Institute academics undertake critical interdisciplinary research to analyse the socio-technical, political, cultural and ecological dynamics of contemporary urban life.


We have a cadre of Associate Members from across Faculty departments, who join the institute for a period of time, where their research aligns strongly with one or more of our core themes. The Associate programme is a mechanism for supporting research excellence in urban studies and creating interdisciplinary networks. UI Associates are employees of the University, join our staff email list and are invited to join all UI activities, including internal meetings, thematic groups and external events.

Alongside our Urban Institute staff, we also host regular Visitors through formal placement schemes and informal collaborative arrangements from outside and within the UK. We have hosted visitors from India, South Africa, China, Malaysia, Argentina, Australia, Spain and the US. These visitors are aligned with key programmes of work, and define a collaborative set of priorities with a key link person within the team. UI Visitors may also have long-standing affiliations with members of staff, representing a collaboration beyond single projects or activities. These affiliations are also developed strategically, for instance, in consolidating partnerships with other urban research labs around the world. 

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