Dr Brant Walkley

School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering

Senior Lecturer

Dr Brant Walkley
Profile picture of Dr Brant Walkley
+44 (0) 114 222 7528

Full contact details

Dr Brant Walkley
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Room B56
Sir Robert Hadfield Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD

I am Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, where I lead the Sustainable Materials at Sheffield (SMASH) research team. I joined the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering as Lecturer in 2019, and prior to this I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Sheffield (Oct 2016 – Aug 2019), and completed my PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at The University of Melbourne, Australia (awarded Dec 2016). I also hold Bachelor degrees from The University of Melbourne in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Honours) and Science (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology).

My research has been funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Innovate UK, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Sellafield Ltd., National Nuclear Laboratory, and both UK and international industry groups. I am Co-Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training GREEN (Growing skills for Reliable Economic Energy from Nuclear), Deputy Director of Recruitment (PGR Admissions) in Chemical and Biological Engineering, and am Editor for Materials Today Communications.

I teach a variety of research-led core and applied chemical engineering subjects. I was awarded an ‘Outstanding PGR Supervision Award’ in 2022 and 2023, an ‘Undergraduate Teaching Award’ in 2020 and received a ‘Letter of Commendation for Teaching Excellence’ in 2019 from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, The University of Sheffield.

Research interests

Our research aims to drive new advances in the development of materials and processes for sustainable infrastructure, environmental remediation, waste management, and clean energy. This will enable industry to meet the needs of our society both sustainably and cost-effectively, improving the well-being of our society and environment.

Broadly speaking, our research group focuses on investigation of composition-structure-property relationships, reaction mechanisms and kinetics in cements, glasses, ceramics and nanomaterials using advanced spectroscopic and microstructural techniques, including solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Current projects focus on:

  • Development of low-CO2 cements for sustainable infrastructure
  • Understanding durability and degradation phenomena in low-CO2 cements
  • Understanding and controlling radionuclide-mineral interactions in cement matrices used for immobilisation of radioactive waste
  • Understanding mass transport processes in cements for applications in both construction and nuclear sectors
  • Controlling reaction mechanisms, kinetics and retention in cement wasteforms for safe disposal of heavy metal pollutants
  • Life cycle assessment of cements and related materials

Journal articles


Conference proceedings papers

  • Matsuda T, Mine R, Geddes DA, Walkley B & Provis JL (2022) Development of ultra-low shrinkage and high strength concrete without Portland cement with experimental study on its fabrication. fib Symposium (pp 763-772) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Matsuda T, Sakamoto R, Geddes DA, Walkley B & Provis JL (2021) An experimental study on shrinkage and mechanical properties of ultra-low shrinkage and high strength zero-cement concrete. fib Symposium, Vol. 2021-June (pp 729-738) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Matsuda T, Geddes DA, Walkley B & Provis JL (2020) Properties and micro strucure of ultralow shrinkage and high strength zero-cement-concrete. Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2020: Concrete Structures for Resilient Society (pp 76-83) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Matsuda T, Geddes DA, Walkley B & Provis JL (2020) Properties and micro strucure of ultralow shrinkage and high strength zero-cement-concrete. fib Symposium (pp 76-83) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Patwardhan S, Manning J, Jorge M, Centi A, Walkley B & Provis J (2019) Understanding interfacial interactions to unlock the potential of bioinspired nanomaterials. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 258 RIS download Bibtex download


Research group

Postdoctoral Research Associates:

PhD researchers:

  • Sylvia GomesSolidification routes for encapsulation of radioiodine (EPSRC & National Nuclear Laboratory)
  • Cameron HalliwellUnderstanding cement- superplasticiser interactions in geopolymer encapsulants for safe disposal of radioactive waste (EPSRC & Sellafield Ltd
  • William McMahonDecarbonising Construction: Understanding the Chemistry and Engineering of Low-Carbon Alkali-Activated Cements (EPSRC Industrial & DB Group (Holdings) Ltd)
  • Cameron HalliwellUnderstanding cement- superplasticiser interactions in geopolymer encapsulants for safe disposal of radioactive waste (EPSRC & Sellafield Ltd
  • Ava SjobergUnderstanding cement-superplasticiser interactions in blended Portland cement wasteforms (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority)
  • Isabelle Smith, Next-generation low-carbon cement wasteforms for safe disposal of radioactive waste  (GREEN CDT (EPSRC) & Sellafield Ltd)
  • Madeline RihnerLife Cycle Assessment of Sustainable Cement (Energy Institute & EPSRC)
  • Ella Cliff,  Understanding reaction mechanisms, kinetics and structural evolution in low-carbon cements (EPSRC)
  • Charlotte Nevin,  Resolving reaction mechanisms, kinetics and mass transport in radionuclide-loaded geopolymer cement wasteforms (GREEN CDT (EPSRC) & Sellafield Ltd)
  • Kyle O'Donoghue,  Geopolymer reaction mechanisms and kinetics for immobilisation of radioactive waste (EPSRC)
  • Jess McWilliams,  Encapsulation of  contaminated oils in geopolymer cements (GREEN CDT (EPSRC))


I'm always keen to support people who are passionate about the development of sustainable materials, chemical engineering, materials chemistry and science and engineering more generally. Prospective PhD/PDRA/Research Fellows are encouraged to send me an expression of interest along with their CV. There are a number of scholarship schemes through which prospective PhD researchers can apply for PhD funding, as well as schemes to support postdoctoral and research fellows, and I will gladly support talented individuals in these applications for projects which align with the broad research themes below.

  • Materials for sustainable infrastructure
  • Materials for environmental remediation
  • Materials for sustainable energy production and storage

Prospective PhD/PDRA/Research Fellows who have already secured funding are also very welcome to propose their own research ideas


Current grants

Past grants

Professional activities and recognition
  • Associate Member, Institute of Chemical Engineers
  • Affiliate Member of RILEM (Member of Technical Committees TC-267 TRM and TC-281 CCC)
  • Editorial Panel Member of ICE Construction Materials
  • Guest Editor, Frontiers in Built Environment
  • Guest Editor, Sustainability
  • Invited Expert Panel Member of Net Zero: Decarbonising Construction, UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
  • Invited reviewer for more than 340 international journals
  • Undergraduate Teaching Award recipient, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, 2020
  • Development Opportunity Award recipient, 2018 and 2019
  • First Prize, 6th Early Career Presentation Contest, World Materials Research Institute Forum, 2018
  • Dedicated Outstanding Thesis Mentor Award recipient, 2017 and 2018
  • Learned Society Fund Award recipient, 2017, 2018 and 2019
  • Environmental Mineralogy Group Early Career Researcher Bursary recipient, 2017
  • The Deal Recognition Award recipient, 2017
  • The University of Melbourne MATS scholar, 2015
  • Best Tutor Award, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Melbourne, 2015
  • The University of Melbourne PORES scholar, 2014
  • Australian Ceramic Society Bursary recipient, 2014
  • Best Paper - First Prize, 34th Annual Cement and Concrete Science Conference, 2014
  • Australian Research Council Special Research Centre PFPC Travel Grant recipient, 2013 and 2014
  • Australian Research Council APA scholar, 2012 – 2016