The Rosetta Stone Network: Physical testing towards a common unstanding of debris flow

Debris flows, fast moving landslides comprised of rock, soil and water, are an increasing global hazard

CIV_Rosetta Stone Network


However, despite separate advances in the fluid mechanics, granular physics, earth sciences and geotechnical engineering communities, a holistic understanding of the mechanics of these complex flows remains elusive. This proposal aims to create a “Rosetta Stone” of communication between the disciplines through physical tests undertaken with common material characteristics, informed by monitored field events, leading to improved numerical models.

Partner institutions include: the University of Sheffield, UK (Lead); Queens University, Canada; IAN-BOKU, Austria; WSL, Switzerland, and Durham University, UK.

Results are being shared, interpreted according to the different paradigms adopted within each network discipline, and communicated via an open-access repository in order to better predict runout and impact loads via improved validation and calibration of numerical models.



Project Dates

Start Date : 01/02/2017

End Date : 31/07/2021 

People Involved

Dr Elisabeth Bowman
Nicoletta Sanvitale (PDRA)
Yuting Zhao (PhD)

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