Professor Mohammad Zandi


School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering

Professor of Chemical Engineering Education

Director of Learning and Teaching

Mo Zandi
Profile picture of Mo Zandi
+44 114 222 8265

Full contact details

Professor Mohammad Zandi
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Room F60
Sir Robert Hadfield Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD

After completing a degree in Chemical Engineering, followed by an MSc with Distinction from the University of Bradford in Advanced Chemical Engineering, I moved to the University of Sheffield to carry out research for a PhD in coal combustion and its environmental impacts. I was awarded the 2005 Foxwell Memorial Prize for my research on Leaching Behaviour of Trace Elements in UK Pulverised Coal Ash Fly.

Following my PhD, I started working with Professor Will Zimmerman on building and testing a novel swirl gas burner. From 2006 to 2008 I carried out my post-doctoral studies as a Research Associate studying heavy metals and trace elements mobility from waste and waste and their leaching behaviour.

I joined Environment Department at Tata Steel RD&T in 2008. Over there my research focus was alternative fuels for iron making and CO2 sequestration technologies. I led two strategic research projects in Tata Steel, one on using biomass for iron making and sintering in collaboration with major European steel manufacturers and the other one was using algae technology for sequestrating steel plant CO2. In January 2010 I re-joined The University of Sheffield.

Research interests
  • Environmental Engineering & Monitoring
  • Energy Engineering
  • Alternative fuels, biomass and biofuels
  • CO2 Sequestration Technologies

Journal articles


Conference proceedings papers


Teaching activities
  • CPE6310       Applied Energy Engineering
  • CPE6010/11  PGT Research Projects
  • CPE1002       Chemical Engineering Design
  • CPE321         Design Project
  • CPE421         Design Project
  • CPE6390       Process Safety & Loss Prevention Project
  • Award for Excellence in Learning & Teaching, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sheffield, 2014
  • Foxwell Memorial Prize in Fuel Technology, Energy Institute, 2005