The degree has massively helped in providing the basis for understanding in child development, but also for working with vulnerable populations
We asked Libby about her career and how the degree helped her in pursuing this vocation.
What are your main responsibilities?
I support young women (age 16-25) live independently, engage them in education, gain life skills, and liaise with other agencies to create a comprehensive support plan.
Briefly outline any previous roles
My role as a contact worker with Sheffield City Council involved observing the contact between looked after children and their family members following court orders.
How has your BA Education, Childhood and Culture or time at the University of Sheffield helped you in your career?
The degree has massively helped in providing the basis for understanding in child development, but also for working with vulnerable populations.
What is your greatest achievement to date?
My greatest achievement to date is gaining funding for a PhD, which I am due to start in September!
What career advice would you give to current BA Education, Childhood and Culture students?
Keep an open mind with the areas you wish to work in - everything is relevant and helps towards your goal!