Living life to the fullest in Melbourne

Today – 20th February 2019 – saw Dan Goodley represent the Living Life to the Fullest team at the University of Melbourne.

A building in Melbourne

Dan presented a public lecture drawing on the research project ‘Living life to the fullest’ which involves a co-researcher group of young women living with life-limiting and life-threatening impairments. This project is being led by Kirsty LiddiardKatherine Runswick-Cole and Dan. The talk included a short film in which the co-researchers talked about the importance and process of co-research. The lecture then teased out the potential of co-authoring, the circulation of power in co-research, and the importance of responsive social theory to incubate co-research. Dan argued that co-research might be reframed as a quintessential posthuman practice. Dan was then joined by a panel of Australian theorists and researchers who offered their response to the paper before opening up the session to questions and answers. Presenters included:

Dr Anna Arnstein-Kerslake
Professor Dan Goodley
Georgia Katsikis
Dr Paul Ramcharan
Dr Karen Soldatic
Dr Claire Spivakovsky

Robot reading books


How we understand being ‘human’ differs between disciplines and has changed radically over time. We are living in an age marked by rapid growth in knowledge about the human body and brain, and new technologies with the potential to change them.

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