Supported employment in Malaysia

On 10th April, Professors Dan Goodley and Katherine Runswick-Cole presented at The Enabling Academy, part of The Gamuda Foundation, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Professors Runswick-Cole and Goodley

The seminar day focused on a supported employment in Malaysia and in the UK.

Katherine and Dan shared learning about supported employment for people with learning disabilities and/or autism from the UK alongside Keith Bates, from Mutually Inclusive Partnerships.  Drawing on findings from a recently completed  research project:“Big Society? Disabled people and civil society” (ESRC funded), they shared examples of good practice in the UK with Malaysian colleagues including the staff team at Gamuda, The Malaysian Policy, HSBC, United Voice and other NGOs and business partner companies.

In the afternoon, the team visited the Enabling Academy to hear more about Gamuda’s supported employment programme that has facilitated the employment of more than 60 young people entering employment over the last four years.

Keith Bates, Mutually Inclusive said: “The Enabling Academy is a fine example of the power industry–led employment initiatives and goes to the heart of good employer engagement.  There is much to learn of relevance to the UK context.”

Photo Credit for featured image of Dan Goodley and Katherine Runswick Cole: The Malaysian Policy

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