
A selection of publications from the Marginalised Humans team

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Some recent publications (2018 -)

Billington, T., Gibson, S., Fogg, P., Lahmar, J., Cameron, H. (2022) Conditions for mental health in education: Towards relational practice, British Educational Research Journal 48 (1): 95-119

Collins, G. Fyson, R. Morgan, G., Runswick-Cole, K. & J. Steel. (2022) The Power Threat Meaning Framework: Development of a document for use in intellectual disabilities services The Bulletin of the Faculty of People with Intellectual Disabilities Vol 20 No. 1: 4-11.

Douglas, P., Runswick-Cole, K.,  Ryan, S., and Fogg, P. (2022) Making memories, making madness: (m)ad mothers of disabled children write back through digital story-telling, Journal on Developmental Disabilities.  Online First. Online at:

Goodley, D., Cameron,D., Liddiard, K., Parry, B., Runswick-Cole, K., Whitburn, B., Wong, M. (2020) Rebooting inclusive education? New technologies and disabled people Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 9(5):515-549

Ktenidis, A. (2022).  En/Counters with Disablist School Violence: Experiences of Young People with Dwarfism in the United Kingdom. British Journal of Sociology of Education.  

Ktenidis, A. (2022). Navigating Dis/Ableist School Playgrounds and Toilets with Geographic Maturity: Stories of Young People with Dwarfism from their Secondary Education. Children’s Geographies 

Ktenidis, A. & Wood, N. (2022). Teaching Critical Disability (Studies) within D.Clin.Psy. Training: An Ethico-Political Act. Clinical Psychology Forum, the British Psychological Society.

Liddiard, K., Whitney, S. Watts, L., Evans, K. Vogelmann, E., Spurr, R., Runswick-Cole, K. and Goodley, D. (2022) Living Life to the Fullest: Disability, Youth and Voice. Emerald

Martin, P., de Saille, S., Liddiard, K. and Pearce, W. (2022) Being Human During COVID-19. Bristol: Bristol University Press

Goodley, D., Lawthom, R., Liddiard, K. and Runswick-Cole, K. (2022) ‘Affect, dis/ability and the pandemic’, Sociology of Health and Illness (SHI) Special issue ‘New Dialogues Between Medical Sociology and Disability Studies’ Early view:

White, L. (2022). Like clockwork? (Re)imagining rhythms and routines when living with irritable bowel syndrome. Sociology of Health and Illness (SHI) Special Issue ‘New Dialogues between Medical Sociology and Disability Studies’ Early view:

Cameron, H. (2021) ‘It’s been taken away’: an experience of a disappearing dyslexia diagnosis. International Journal of Inclusive Education.

Cameron, H. and Greenland, L. (2021) ‘Black or Minority Ethnic’ (BME), female, and dyslexic in white-male dominated disciplines at an elite university in the UK: an exploration of student experiences. Race, Ethnicity and Education. 24 (6): 770-788 

Cameron, H. and Cooper, L. (2021) Fathers’ experiences as carers for autistic children with learning disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. 49 (1): 13-22.

Goodley, D., Lawthom, R., Liddiard, K. and Runswick-Cole, K. (2021) The Desire for New Humanisms, Journal of Disability Studies in Education

Goodley, D., Lawthom, R., Liddiard, K. and Runswick-Cole, K. (2021) Key Concerns for Critical Disability Studies in COVID-19 times, International Journal of Disability Studies and Social Justice

Douglas, P., Runswick-Cole, K., Ryan, S. and Fogg, P. (2021) Mad Mothering: learning from the intersections of madness, mothering and disability, Journal of Cultural and Literary Disability Studies. 15, (1), 39–5

White, L. (2021). 'I have to know where I can go': Mundane mobilities and everyday public toilet access for people living with irritable bowel syndrome. Social and Cultural Geography. 

Cameron, H. (2020) Specific learning difficulties as a relational category: reconstruction, redistribution and resistance in higher educational practice. Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice. Sage: New York: 381-390.

Fisher, J.,  Languilaire, J-C. , Lawthom, R.,  Nieuwenhuis, R., Petts, R.J.,  Runswick-Cole, K. & Yerkes, K.  (2020) Community, work, and family in times of COVID-19, Community, Work & Family, 23:3, 247-252, DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2020.1756568.

Goodley, D., Lawthom, R., Liddiard, K. and Runswick-Cole, K. (2020) ‘The Desire for New Humanisms‘, Journal of Disability Studies in Education, 1-21, 125-144

Hunter, J., Runswick-Cole, K., Goodley, D. and Lawthom, R. (2020), Plans that work: improving employment outcomes for young people with learning disabilities. British Journal of Special Education, 47: 134-151.

Underwood, K., Curran, T., Moreno-Antagarits, M., Runswick-Cole, K. and Wertlieb, D. (2020) An international conversation on disabled children’s childhoods: Theory, ethics and methods Canadian Journal of Disability Studies

Cameron, H., Coleman, B.,  Hervey, T.,  Rahman, S., Rostant, P. (2019) Equality Law Obligations in Higher Education: reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010 in assessment of students with unseen disabilities. Legal Studies, 39 (2), 204-229

Goodley, D., Lawthom, R., Liddiard, K., and Runswick-Cole, K. (2019) ‘Provocations for Critical Disability Studies‘, Disability and Society. On-line at: 

Liddiard, K., Whitney, S., Evans, K., Watts, L., Vogelmann, E., Spurr, R., Aimes, C., Runswick-Cole, K. and Goodley, D. (2019), Working the edges of Posthuman disability studies: theorising with disabled young people with life-limiting impairments. Sociol Health Illn, 41: 1473-1487

Runswick-Cole, K. & Ryan, S.  (2019) Liminal still? Unmothering disabled children, Disability & Society, 34:7-8, 1125-1139, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2019.1602509

Douglas, P., Rice, C., Runswick-Cole, K., Easton, A.,  Gibson,  M. F.,  Gruson-Wood, E.,  Klar, E. & R. Shields (2019) Re-storying autism: a body becoming disability studies in education approach, International Journal of Inclusive Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2018.1563835

K. Runswick-Cole, T. Curran and K. Liddiard, (eds.) (2018) The Palgrave Handbook of Disabled Children's Childhood Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Ltd

Liddiard, K (2018) The Intimate Lives of Disabled People. Routledge, ISBN 978-1-4094-6090-9

Liddiard, K., Runswick-Cole, K, Goodley, D., Whitney, S., Vogelmann, E. and Watts, L. (2018) ‘”I was excited by the idea of a project that focuses on those unasked questions”: Co-Producing Disability Research with Disabled Young People’, Children and Society.

Frigerio A, Benozzo A, Holmes R, Runswick-Cole K. The Doing and Undoing of the “Autistic Child”: Cutting Together and Apart Interview-Based Empirical Materials. Qualitative Inquiry. 2018;24(6):390-402. 


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