MEC455: Mechanics & Applications of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Autumn Semester
Optional on Programmes: MECT40, MECT53
Machining will be around as long as society exists, so there’s always a need to make tools, parts, molds, dies etc. that require either of a forming or a machining operation. This module covers fundamentals and applications of forming and machining operations in their conventional and advanced forms.”
Dr Hassan Ghadbeigi
Module Description
In this course students are introduced to advanced conventional manufacturing processes including sheet/bulk metal forming and Machining operations and the relevant mechanics of the processes and materials deformation. Analytical modelling techniques are also introduced and their applications are explained in order to determine the deformation of materials under the applied loads. Fundamentals of deformation and relevant force calculations together with mechanics of machining in metallic materials will be covered as the secondary manufacturing operations. The module provides a greater range and depth of knowledge related to the deformation of materials and process analysis in primary and secondary manufacturing operations using theoretical and experimental learning methods. The students will be equipped with tools to analyse and design manufacturing operations utilising various manufacturing methods within a wider engineering context.
Required Prior Knowledge
If you haven't already learnt about the following subjects, you will struggle to pass this module:
basics of manufacturing processes
Teaching Methods
• Lectures • Problem solving classes
• Laboratory Sessions
Assessment Methods
• 70% Written Exam (1.5 hours)
• 25% Coursework: Lab report on forming limit diagrams and machinability assessment of an engineering material (individual reports, 1000 words)
• 5% Online quizzes: On measurement and lab safety
Module Aims
• Introduce and analyse a range of secondary manufacturing processes with the design of their applications for production of engineering components.
• Proposing of process parameters to enhance functional performance of manufactured parts.
• Characterising deformation mechanics in relation to process parameters for engineering components made by forming and cutting processes.
• Link theoretical engineering science to experimentally measured results to characterise manufacturing induced deformation in order to develop ability to make an engineering judgment on the effect of process parameters on quality of the produced parts.
• Expose students to current research based experiments in the field of metal forming and machining with required risk assessments at laboratory and workshop environments.
International scholarships
We offer a generous package of financial support for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate taught scholarships towards the annual tuition fee. Applications are open for existing offer holders.