64th Hatfield Memorial Lecture Abstract


The Sir Henry Royce Institute for Advanced Materials: The Challenge

By Julia King, DBE, FREng
Professor the Baroness Brown of Cambridge

After an academic career at Cambridge University, Julia held senior business and engineering posts at Rolls-Royce for eight years. She returned to academia as Principal of the Engineering Faculty at Imperial College, London, becoming Vice-Chancellor of Aston University in 2006.

Julia advises Government as a member of the Committee on Climate Change, the Science and Technology Honours Committee and as the UK’s Low Carbon Business Ambassador. She is a member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Decarbonizing Energy, and was an inaugural member of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology’s Governing Board.

She is Chair of the Sir Henry Royce Centre for Advanced Materials and a non-executive Director of the Green Investment Bank and Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult. In 2015 Julia was elevated to the peerage as a crossbench peer, becoming The Baroness Brown of Cambridge.