Chemical and radiochemical analysis
Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometer, Thermo-Fisher 6000iCAP (M07)
Trace chemical analysis of aqueous solutions, eg from waste form alteration experiments
- Detection limit of ppb – ppm depending on solution chemistry and analyte
- Wavelength coverage 167 - 847 nm
- Dual plasma observation for improved interference and matrix-handling
- Autosampler for high throughput
- Wide range of single and multi-element standards
Ion Chromography Systems, Thermo-Fisher ICS 1100 (M07)
Trace chemical analysis of aqueous solutions, eg from waste form alteration experiments
- Detection limit of ppt – ppm depending on solution chemistry and analyte
- Autosampler for high throughput
- Dedicated cation chromatography system
- Dedicated anion chromatography system
- Electrolytic suppression for low noise and drift, reduced background and lower detection limits
Liquid Scintillation Counter, Hidex 300SL (M07)
Trace radiochemical analysis of aqueous solutions, eg from batch sorption experiments
- Triple to Double Coincidence Ratio (TDCR) technology for absolute activity measurement
- Autosampler for high throughput
- Separation of alpha and beta scintillation
- Preset and fully programmable protocols / assay to user specifications
- Typical limit of detection for H-3 in water- 17 Bq/l, 1 h counting time
International scholarships
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