Electron optics
Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectrometry, Hitachi TM3030 (M06)
Routine imaging and spatially resolved elemental analysis of solid and powder materials
- Low vacuum mode for investigation of non-conducting samples (ESEM)
- Magnification 30x to 30,000x
- Accelerating voltage of 5-15 kV
- Sample size up to 70 mm in diameter and 50 mm thickness
- Oxford Instruments Quantax 70 EDX detector for microanalysis and element mapping
Carbon coater, Agar Scientific (M06)
Routine coating of SEM and microprobe samples
- Dual carbon rod source with current feedback for reproducible carbon coating
- Manual and pulse mode for heart sensitive samples
- Film thickness monitor for accurate control of coating thickness if required
- Standard sample holder holds 12 x 12.5 mm diameter Agar specimen stubs
- Height of sample stand is adjustable to give a working distance between 25 and 65mm
Ion beam polishing (Sorby Centre)
Preparation of extremely high quality SEM and TEM specimens using ion beam polishing
- Gatan Ilion II system
- For preparation of damage free cross sectional SEM specimens
- Gatan PIPS II system
- For preparation of high quality TEM specimens with exceptionally large, clean and transparent areas
- Programmable user protocols for high reproducibility
Advanced electron optics (Sorby Centre)
Access to state of the art facility for high resolution imaging and chemical analysis of materials
- Tecnai 20 TEM with CCD and EDX system for high resolution imaging
- FEI Sirion FEG-SEM with EBSD for ultra-high resolution imaging
- FIB SEM for TEM sample preparation
- Several high resolution TEM and SEM systems with EDX capability
- Note – analysis of radioactive materials is possible only with selected equipment