Undergraduate Applicant days(Online and Onsite)

Victorian building Department of Music

Event details

February 9th(Online) and February 12th(Onsite)
Attendees: UG Offer holders 2022


The undergraduate applicant days are an opportunity for students to get an insight into what studying music at Sheffield is all about. You will get to see more of the department, meet staff and students and learn more about your course. 

Schedule for live session, February 9th, 16.30 - 18.00:

4.30 - 4.45: Welcome talk - modules and admissions focussed & Careers (PDF version shared + skills form to complete).

4.45 - 5.05: Sample lecture 1 - Film Composition (AK)

5.05 - 5.15: Break and performance video played 

5.15 - 5.35: Sample lecture 2 - Music Psychology (JM)

5.40 - 6.00 Student ambassador led Q and A.

Programme details for onsite session, February 12th, 10:30 - 14:00:

10.30 - 11.00: Welcome talk

11:00 - 11.30: Sample lecture Film Composition

11:30 - 12.00 Tour - Studio setup + Tech Lab

12.00 - 12.30: Open performance/ workshop

12:30 - 1:00: Lunch

1 - 1.30 Dual Talk: Careers overview and tour

Events at the University

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