Registration guidance for part-time and Distance Learner students

Information about the registration process for part-time and distance learner students, including those from the English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC) and Lifelong learning.


Distance learning and part-time students (except Department for Lifelong Learning)

Students who will be commencing a distance learning/part-time course do not need to attend a Registration Event.

You will receive an email from asking you to complete some registration tasks around four months before the start date of your course. You will then receive a second pre-registration email two months before the start of your course which will enable you to complete your registration online, remotely.

Examples of some of the tasks you will be asked to complete can be found in our pre-registration task lists.

Should you have any questions regarding this process, contact the Student Fees Team.

If you are part time and have been assessed as an overseas student, you will be asked to upload your passport and visa as part of the online registration process.

Department for Lifelong Learning part-time students

You will receive an email from two months before the start of your course to enable you to complete your registration online, remotely. Examples of some of the tasks you will be asked to complete can be found in our pre-registration task lists.

If you have any questions regarding this process, email

There is a Lifelong learning Induction day set up by your department where staff will be available to assist you with your registration should you need help. For further details, contact Lifelong learning.

If you are part time and have been assessed as an overseas student, you will be asked to upload your passport and visa as part of the online registration process.

ELTC Summer School students

Registration for ELTC Summer School programmes