Love Data Week
The week beginning 10th February 2025 is Love Data Week, an opportunity to take stock of how we handle and share research data, and to consider the multiple practical, legal, ethical and policy issues that frame this process. Find full details of our programme of events below:

Tuesday 11th February, 12.00-13.00
Research Data Management for Staff
TUoS staff only; in person
This session provides an overview of research data management for all staff. Whether you are new to research data management or looking to refresh your existing knowledge, it will help you to get the most out of your research data, or to help others in their data management. Areas covered will include data organisation, storage and sharing, as well as writing a data management plan. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions about research data management and the support the Library offers.
If you would like to know more about research data, visit the University Library's Research Data Management webpages or contact
Tuesday 11th February, 13.30-14.00
How to Share…Code and Models
TUoS staff only; online
Dan Pollard is a lecturer based in Sheffield Center for Health and Related Research (SCHARR) at the School of Medicine and Population Health. Dan’s work involves conducting health economic evaluations of new strategies to improve the health of people with specific conditions, which often involves creating individual level simulation models software. His (and team’s) recently updated model is a great example of best practice around sharing code, but also on making open a methodology resource created at TUoS for other researchers to work with as well as inspect.
Our How to Share... series contains short, bitesize seminars that look at how best to share different research data types to help you make your research outputs more FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) and open.
Wednesday 12th February, 12.00-13.00
Open Research Conversation: Spotlight on Data Journals
Open to all; online
Data journals offer researchers an opportunity to increase the impact of their openly available data by further documenting a dataset and highlighting the possibilities for its exploration and reuse.
In this Open Research Conversation, we’ll explore the phenomenon of data journals from a number of different perspectives and disciplinary contexts. Vanessa Higgins (University of Manchester) will explore her role as editorial board member for the Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences, while University of Sheffield researchers Tecla Bonci (Mechanical Engineering) and Jacob MacDonald (Urban Studies and Planning) discuss their own experiences of publishing in data journals.
Key areas of discussion will include the significance of data journals in Humanities and Social Sciences as well as STEM disciplines, the aspects and use cases of a dataset that publication in a data journal allows academic authors to showcase, and the impacts that can result in terms of visibility, transparency and collaboration.
Wednesday 12th February, 14.00-15.30
Launch of the TUoS Data Stewards Network
TUoS staff only; in person and online
Members of the new TUoS Data Stewards Network are warmly invited to the Network’s launch event on Wednesday 12th February, 14.00-15.30.
This will provide an opportunity to learn more about the Network and share your thoughts and preferences about how this initiative unfolds, and the forms of training, support and other activities you’d find beneficial. The event will also offer an opportunity to meet with colleagues engaged in data steward activities and roles across the University and to hear short talks from a few of these colleagues about their experiences.
The session runs from 14.00-15.30, but if you have other commitments, please do just join us for as much of the session as you are able to. For those who are able to attend in person, light refreshments will be provided.
If you would like to come to the session but have not yet joined the network, you can sign up here.
Book via myDevelopment
We'll also be making daily posts on our social media accounts about our events and resources to support researchers with managing and sharing data - follow us on the links below: