
Masterclasses are full-day or half-day events devoted to a particular branch of physics or astronomy. They typically consist of one or two half day talks by members of staff plus demonstrations and/or hands-on activities for the students


In some cases, especially those involving practical work, numbers are limited to 20-30 students.

Particle Physics Masterclass

Full-day (10:30 to 15:30) masterclass organised in association with STFC and the High Energy Particle Physics Group of the Institute of Physics.

Typical programme:

  • Talk on the ideas of particle physics
  • Web-based activities including identification of particles in detectors, interpretation of bubble chamber pictures etc.
  • Talk on one of the research activities of the Sheffield Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics Group.

For more information contact: Dr Susan Cartwright

Dark Matter and Cosmology Masterclass

Half-day (2 hour) masterclass on dark matter: the observational evidence for its existence, its role in cosmology, what it could be, and how we could detect it.

Typical programme:

  • Talk on dark matter.
  • Activities including the analysis of galaxy rotation curves (web-based), the identification of candidate events from gravitational lensing (hands-on) and the analysis of cosmological data.

For more information contact: Dr Susan Cartwright

Astronomy Masterclass

Under development. Possible activities include a visit to the department's 16-inch reflecting telescope, study of diffraction and interference, investigation of telescope resolving power.

For more information contact: Professor Vik Dhillon

Laser Masterclass

Half-day (2-hour) masterclass involving lecture and demonstrations.

For more information contact: Professor David Mowbray

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