Tuesday lunchtime lecture series

Organised by PhD students in the Department of Archaeology, this series gives an overview of current work in all areas of our research.

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The Tuesday Lunchtime Lecture Series gives an overview of current work in all areas of archaeological research and invites guest speakers from universities and institutions across the UK and worldwide. The series is organised by PhD students in the Department of Archaeology, and it is also part of our first-year PhD student's Doctoral Development Programme (DDP).

Delivered Online Via Blackboard

Time: Tuesdays, 1-2pm

Talks are free and open to everyone.

Themes for upcoming lectures

Date: 9 May 2023

Speaker: Dr Paz Ramirez-Valiente, University of Nottingham

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: 'To gender or not to gender? Exploring sex and gender through Neolithic figurines from Greece'

Link to Join

Date: 2 May 2023

Speaker: Mr Blair Nolan, Lund University

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: 'A Biocultural Perspective on Urbanisation in Medieval Denmark: Lund from 990 AD – 1536 AD'

Link to Join

Date: 28 March 2023

Speaker: Dr Claire Hodson, University of Reading

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: 'New evidence and insights into early life challenges: exploring relationships between fetal-infant growth and health'

Link to Join

Date: 7 March 2023

Speaker: Dr Julieta Gómez García-Donas, University of Dundee

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: 'Human bone microstructure for anthropological assessment: insights from different populations and skeletal elements'

Link to Join

Date: 7 February 2023

Speaker: Corinne Feuillatre, University of Bradford

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: 'Stable isotope analysis: a window onto reproductive life'

Link to Join

Date: 31 January 2023

Speaker: Professor Joel Irish, Liverpool John Moores University

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: 'Ancient Teeth and Population Affinity: Two Nubian Case Studies'

Link to Join

Date: 24 January 2023

Speaker: Dr Peter Campbell, Cranfield University

Introduction and moderator for the session: 

Subject: 'Heritage Crime and Research: Archaeology after disaster'

Link to Join

Date: 31 May 2022

Speaker: Dr Andrew Reinhard, New York University

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: A tour of video game archaeology

Link to Join

Date: 24 May 2022

Speaker: Dr Kevin Kuykendall, The University of Sheffield

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: Creswell Crags: palaeolithic archaeology, research frameworks, and the WHS tentative list

Link to Join

Date: 17 May 2022

Speaker: Dr Rob Dinnis, University of Aberdeen

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: Is there anything left? A decade of excavation at British caves

Link to Join

Date: 10 May 2022

Speaker: Dr Virginia Barciela and Dr Maria Lillo, Universidad de Alicante

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: Let's make women visible in Prehistory! An approach to female representations and researchers through Prehistoric art

Link to Join

Date: 3 May 2022

Speaker: Alexandra Morton-Hayward, University of Oxford

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: Suspicious minds: a molecular taphonomic approach to the preservation of the central nervous system in the fossil record

Link to Join

Date: 22 March 2022

Speaker: Dr Lizzy Craig-Atkins, The University of Sheffield

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: Marking Maternity: Integrating historical and archaeological evidence for reproduction in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries

Link to Join

Date: 8 March 2022

Speaker: Alexis Thouki, The University of Sheffield

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: Heritagization of religious sites: A structural analysis

Link to Join

Date: 1st February 2022

Speaker: Jennifer Gonissen, Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Introduction and moderator for the session: Aimée Barlow, Ofelia Meza-Escobar 

Subject: Belgian Colonists in early 20th-century Congo; headhunters or curious doctors? An anthropometrical and traumatological analysis of 14 Congolese skulls kept at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.

Link to Join:  https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/dcecbc3eb62749268a14272c9c1a5316

Date: 20th April 2021

Speaker: Christopher Witmore, Texas Tech University.

Introduction and moderator for the session: Christos Giamakis

Subject: The end of agrarianism at the dawn of the Anthropocene

Link to Join:  https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/5a064533d1f84cc4ba4961c6ea4a8297

Date: 4th May 2021

Speaker: Corinna Riva, University College London 

Introduction and moderator for the session: Christos Giamakis

Subject: Citizenship and urban states in 1st-millennium-BC Mediterranean: a case study from southern Etruria:

Link to Joinhttps://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/dcee8e08256d43da9515f13c2bfe65ff

Date: 18th May 2021

Speaker: Liv Nilson Stutz, Linnaeus University

Introduction and moderator for the session: Christos Giamakis

Subject: ‘When I sat fiddling with tiny things’. Memory, Materiality, and Emotion inside the Ravensbrück Prison Camp:

Link to Joinhttps://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/7671343ccab447f185797736157ed3c

Date: 8th June 2021

Speaker: Dr. Kevin Kay, University of Leicester

Introduction and moderator for the session: Resa Nelson

Subject: Value and the habitus in bottom-up histories: political layers in Çatalhöyük houses

Link to Joinhttps://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/3ad7922616054d99840cee12fed31389 

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