Department Research Seminar, Tuesday 22 March 2022
Event details
You are warmly invited to our department seminar:
Tuesday 15 March, 16:15
'New Insights into the Rising of 1381 in London'
Professor Anne Curry (University of Southampton), and Professor Andrew Prescott (University of Glasgow)
The Peasants' Revolt of 1381 was one of the largest and best documented popular risings in
medieval Europe. While research on the revolt has emphasised its geographical spread from
Yorkshire to Somerset, the most dramatic and celebrated events of the rising took place in
London. A new project, financed by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and involving
the Universities of Reading, Oxford, Southampton and Glasgow, is creating a database
recording thousands of names of those who were caught up in the rising, both as
participants and victims. By investigating the background of these 'People of 1381' the
complex cross-currents of personal, local and national grievance which contributed to the
rising can be explored. We are using these records to re-examine key events in the revolt
such as the entry of the rebels into the Tower of London and the meeting between the King
and rebels at Mile End. We shall also be reviewing the role of Londoners in the rising and
seeking to re-evaluate the complex mix of national and local concerns which appears to
characterise medieval popular protest.
53.4523642, -1.3897382
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