Student Volunteers visit local Junior School

Students from the department visited a local Junior School to assist their pupils with designing posters relating to the various historical themes and topics they have been learning about this term.

Photo of Dronfield children with their posters

On 08.12.21 twelve undergraduate History students, accompanied by Dr Miriam Dobson, spent the afternoon volunteering at Dronfield Junior school. They helped the school’s pupils plan History posters on a specific historical topic they had been learning about that term. These ranged from ancient Greece and Rome, The Victorians and World War Two. Our student volunteers discussed their own passion for History, and why they enjoy studying it, before assisting the pupils think about their posters.

Dr Dobson also gave a talk to Year 5 & 6 pupils about Soviet childhood, introducing a whole new era and topic of History to the school’s pupils. The event was a great success, and we hope it has inspired potential historians of the future at Dronfield! You can see a selection of the posters created by the pupils via Dronfield Juniors’ tweet about the event here.

A selection of these posters are now also on display in the History wing of Jessop West.