History Research Hubs Week

HST Jessop West UoS

Event details

Please see event description for details, The University of Sheffield, Mappin Street, Sheffield, S1 3JD


We start the spring seminar programme with a dedicated time for history research hubs to meet. This will be an opportunity to discuss plans for the semester ahead, catch up on work in progress, or explore a source, recent article, or book together.

Mind and Body: 

  • 9 Mappin Street, Seminar Room G03

Migration and Identity: 

  • Pam Liversidge Building, Design Studio 02-E05

Law and Rights: 

  • Pam Liversidge Building, Design Studio 02-E06

Political Engagement: 

  • Regent Court, Pemberton Lecture Theatre A


  • Regent Court, Pemberton Lecture Theatre B

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