
We are open to discussion and networking around any of the project themes. We embrace collaboration and always seek participation from patients, carers, family members, patients groups/organisations, policymakers, industry representatives and other researchers both inside and outside academia.
You can contact our team via any of the channels below:
- Email:
- Post: iHuman Institute, ICOSS building, 219 Portobello, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, S1 4DP, UK
- Twitter: @orphanisation
Alternatively, contact our individual team members:
Principal Investigator:
Workstream leads:
For an outline of our different workstreams, see the project homepage:
The wider network of people associated with our project:
- Individual researchers:
The following individuals input towards our project in various ways:
Michael Hopkins
Professor of Innovation Management, SPRU, University of SussexCharoula Veneti
Researcher, iHuman Institute, University of Sheffield - The SPIN network:
The following members of the Social Pharmaceutical Innovation Network (SPIN) input towards our project in various ways:
Wouter Boon
Associate Professor, Universiteit Utrecht
Conor Douglas
Assistant professor, York UniversityTineke Kleinhout-Vliek
Researcher, Universiteit Utrecht

How we understand being ‘human’ differs between disciplines and has changed radically over time. We are living in an age marked by rapid growth in knowledge about the human body and brain, and new technologies with the potential to change them.