Palliative Care Studies Advisory Group

The Palliative Care Studies Advisory Group is a patient, public & lay involvement (PPI) panel who work closely with the palliative and end of life care research group, to advise on current and future research in palliative care.


The Palliative Care Studies Advisory Group (PCSAG) are a friendly group of local people who work closely with our researchers, to advise on our programme of research. The group play a crucial role in ensuring our research is relevant to patients and carers, and gives a voice to those with personal experience of palliative and end of life care. To read more about the activities of the group you can read our Briefing Paper which describes the role of PPI in palliative care research.

Anyone with experience of palliative care services or hospice can join, this includes patients, their family members, friends and advocates. Involvement contributes to increasing knowledge and can also provide an opportunity to meet new people with similar experiences. The group meet in Sheffield three to four times a year, with a hybrid option for those unable to join in person. We also regularly communicate by e-mail. Group members are reimbursed for any travel expenses and refreshments are provided at meetings.

To join the group, or have an informal chat about joining, please contact Clare Gardiner ( For more information about being involved you can read our Terms of Reference.

The PCSAG are committed to encouraging Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) amongst the membership and in the research they support. You can read our EDI statement here.

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