Dr Anthony Powis (he/him)
School of Architecture and Landscape
Lecturer in Architecture and Climate

Full contact details
School of Architecture and Landscape
Arts Tower
Western Bank
S10 2TN
- Profile
I am concerned with architecture's past, present, and future relationships with climate breakdown. My background is as an architect, working mostly on various types of public spaces (urban landscapes, museums, playgrounds) with muf architecture/art. Before that, I studied at Cardiff, Westminster, and the AA. My PhD (also at Westminster) was part of the project Monsoon Assemblages, which looked at the interactions between rapid urban development, and changing monsoon climates. My thesis focussed on Chennai and its subterranean environment: looking at ways in which different people generate knowledge about groundwater, the kinds of knowledge that is produced through different practices, its limits, and the forms of environmental stewardship that these different knowledges generate. Most recently, I have been part of the AHRC/DfG-funded project Architecture after Architecture: Spatial Practice in the Face of the Climate Emergency, the research collective MOULD. This led to the website (and forthcoming book) Architecture is Climate.
- Qualifications
- PgCert Academic Practice in Art, Design and Communication University of the Arts London, 2023
- Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture University of Westminster, 2021 ‘Thinking with Groundwater from Chennai: Materials, Processes, Experimental Knowledges’
- University Certificate of Special Study in Supporting Learning University of Westminster, 2018
- Examination in Architectural Practice (RIBA Part 3) Architectural Association, 2014
- Master of Architecture (RIBA Part 2) University of Westminster, 2012
- Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies (RIBA Part 1) Cardiff University, 2009
- Research interests
I am interested in the interrelation of spatial production, knowledge production, and climate production, including: boundaries of architectural knowledges; futures of architecture, urban design and creative practice; and responses to the climate crisis. I have previously been an associate with Architecture sans Frontieres-UK, working with participatory design techniques, and have also studied the production of space in urban protests. I am interested in more-than-human research methodologies, as well drawing as a research method.
- Publications
Journal articles
- SOUTH ASIAN URBAN CLIMATES: Towards Pluralistic Narratives and Expanded Lexicons. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 47(4), 667-687.
- The Relational Materiality of Groundwater. GeoHumanities, 7(1), 89-112.
Website content
Theses / Dissertations
- Thinking with Groundwater from Chennai: Materials, Processes, Experimental Knowledge.
- Teaching interests
My teaching revolves around relationship between architecture and climate breakdown, specifically in areas other than technology—such as politics, culture, and infrastructures.
- Teaching activities
I teach across Undergraduate and Postgraduate humanities including leading ARC104 - Architecture and Society. I am involved in thesis supervision across Research and Taught Postgraduate, MArch, and Undergraduate courses.
- Professional activities and memberships
I am a registered architect and an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.