Dr Benjamin Boyes

School of Geography and Planning

Research Associate in Palaeoglaciology

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Full contact details

Dr Benjamin Boyes
School of Geography and Planning
Geography and Planning Building
Winter Street
S3 7ND

Ben Boyes obtained his BSc(Hons) in Geography from the University of Edinburgh in 2017 and MSc(Res) Polar and Alpine Change from the University of Sheffield in 2019. He completed his PhD titled “The last Fennoscandian Ice Sheet: a palaeo-glaciological reconstruction on the Kola Peninsula and Russian Lapland” at the University of Brighton in 2022. Ben is now a Research Associates in Palaeoglaciology on the ERC-funded PALGLAC project (PI: Prof Chris Clark), using glacial landforms to reconstruct ice sheet dynamics of the last Fennoscandian Ice Sheet.

Research interests

My key research interests include:

• Glacial geomorphology, in particular using the inverse approach that uses the pattern and distribution of such landforms to reconstruct the behaviour of ice sheets that existed during the last glaciation.

• Ice sheet and mountain glacier dynamics.

• Remote sensing, especially using satellite imagery and elevation models for identifying and mapping glacial landforms. The ultimate aim of this work is to build up a detailed picture of the evolution of former ice sheets through the last glacial cycle and to use this information to improve both ice sheet and climate models.