CONVIVA – The convivial conservation research project


Convivial (literally: ‘living with’) conservation offers a new approach to understanding and practicing environmental conservation. The CONVIVA – convivial conservation research project aims to establish a truly transformational approach to conservation that benefits both wildlife and humans, and that combines structural change with grassroots solutions to promote co-existence, (cultural and bio)diversity and justice. Grounded in a dedicated network of scholars and practitioners, CONVIVA’s key objective is to conceptually refine and empirically evaluate the convivial conservation proposal and pathways. It does this by comparing cutting-edge conservation strategies to address human-wildlife conflict involving apex predators in different contexts: bears in California, jaguars in Brazil, lions in Tanzania, and wolves in Finland. We explore, critique and advance the convivial conservation vision across a team of researchers from the natural and social sciences, drawing on a range of expertises and knowledges.

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